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Could We Belong? Chapter 7

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Could We Belong?
Chapter 7

The following months were hard, on everyone. On Giuliano, on Mary, on Lorenzo, and on Lucreiza. As much as Mary wanted to maintain order within the Medici home, it was too much chaos that went around the household. As much distraction it was to help raise Henry and Caterina, Mary had wanted to be involved more in the affairs and matters of the bank. She wanted to know what was happening. Clarice was sent in the same room as Lorenzo and Lucreiza when there was matters of the bank, but this time Mary was included in the meeting and thank God she was.

"You think the Pazzi are plotting against you?" Lucrezia asked, fearing for her family as much as Mary was fearing for hers.

"Why else would Francesco be in Rome having meetings with Salviati?" Lorenzo asked, giving his Mother the letter he had received earlier.

"Could there not be innocent reasons for them to meet?" Clarice asked. It has been said that Lorenzo took comfort in her advice and council, which had made Mary formulate a secret idea in her mind.

"Of course not. No one would meet at night and call it such as an innocent meeting." Mary mentioned, looking at Lorenzo who nodded his head and looked at Mary. The guards had passed the study and Mary looked at Lorenzo in fear yet certainty remained in her eyes, "I see you are more prepared than Galeazzo Sforza was." Mary had mentioned, which caused Lorenzo to turn around from the window he was looking out at and put his arms towards the four guards that were posted outside the door of his study.

"I can't put up with these armed guards breathing down my neck," Lorenzo mentioned and Mary played with her wedding ring due to her anxiousness,"It makes me look weak," Mary sighed and Lorenzo sat on the edge of his desk, "I have to return to Rome, speak with the Pope." Lorenzo mentioned and Mary began to shake her head, disapproving what Lorenzo had just suggested.

"No, you're not safe in Rome. It's too unstable. Sforza was a brute, but he was a strong man. While he ruled Milan, the alliance might have offered some protection. Now, your alliance is with a seven year old boy." Lucrezia mentioned and Lorenzo turned around, looking at his mother.

"He has a mother acting as his regent. He has...uncles." Lorenzo mentioned and Lucrezia let out a scoff.

"Yes, many uncles. Many men, many rivals. No doubt maneuvering for position like men always do. And Venice will be in the same state of uncertainty, wondering how Sforza's death has changed things." Lucrezia mentioned and Mary looked between Lucrezia and Lorenzo.

"The alliance will hold, Mother. The cities will honor it." Lorenzo mentioned but Lucreiza was still attempting to convince Lorenzo.

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