❝Our Moment❞

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Could We Belong?Chapter 3

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Could We Belong?
Chapter 3

It has been a few months since the death of Messer Piero di Cosimo de Medici. Everything in the household was being managed between Mary and Madonna Lucrezia Medici. Clarice was to come to Florence this day, since the following three days would be Mary and Lorenzo's wedding feast. The ladies resumed to wearing black, except for the wedding feast. Mary and Lorenzo had grown closer, over the past couple of months, closer than most arranged marriages would be. Mary focused on many things for the next couple of days. Mary had managed the household. Mary and Lorenzo were in his rooms, silently being together. They had done this every once in a while, to get the gist of what it was like to truly be married to one another, although they have not yet consummated the marriage.

Mary sat on Lorenzo's bed as he wrote something on a parchment, shirtless. Mary was an extremely fond listener and had enjoyed listening to Lorenzo's bank affairs or matters of Florence which included some talks of the Priori, it had felt like she was there with him, instead of being in the palazzo all day. Mary was still in her off white nightgown as Lorenzo kept on writing some matters of the Priori and some poems. Mary was curious as to what Lorenzo was up to, since he has been gluing himself to the chair since sunrise and had not been back in the bed since then. Mary had attempted to sneak up on Lorenzo, but failed miserably when Lorenzo closed his book and turned to look at Mary.

"Mary de' Medici, what do you think you are doing?" Lorenzo asks, in a playful tone and Mary smiles, knowing he will end up putting them both back into the bed, which is precisely what Mary had wanted.

"You have been glued to your chair since sunrise, Lorenzo. As your wife, I have a right to look at what my husband is doing." Mary replied, as Lorenzo smirks at her, before giving her a kiss. Mary and Lorenzo accidentally fall back onto the bed together, letting out a laugh.

The couple had laid in the bed, in a cuddling position. Mary had her head on Lorenzo's shoulder as Lorenzo had one of his arms around Mary's waist. Lorenzo was in deep thought and it showed through his eyes, which Mary had noticed about Lorenzo. Whenever Lorenzo was in a deep thought, Mary knew that his face would become serious and his eyes would gaze off in a far distance, as if he wasn't on Earth itself. Mary looked at Lorenzo, wondering if she should ask him what she wanted to ask and if he would share with her, but she wouldn't know unless she attempted to try.

"What is on your mind, Lorenzo?" Mary finally asked and Lorenzo looked at Mary, getting a feeling that she genuinely wanted to know.

"I'm beset by obstacles and opportunities." Mary looked at Lorenzo and traced her finger around in circles on his shoulder as her mind continued on being curious and wanting to understand what was going through Lorenzo's own mind.

Could We Belong? | Medici & Stuart Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now