❝Mary de Medici❞

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Could We Belong?  Chapter 6

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Could We Belong? 
Chapter 6

April 26, 1476

Mary and Lorenzo had managed the household and bank just as they needed to. After the lost of their unborn baby, from three years ago, Mary wanted nothing else to do with the Medici household. She could not bring herself to get out of bed or look at Lorenzo for a long time. After a few months, Mary had allowed Lorenzo to touch her again and a month after that night, Mary was blessed with another pregnancy. This pregnancy was easy and far more relaxing, as Mary caught up with the bank and household, which kept her busy on her feet. Henry was growing up faster than anyone could had asked for and Mary couldn't have been more prouder. Clarice and Bianca had began to babysit more often for Henry before the next child would arrive.

Later on, in the late year of November 6, 1475, Lorenzo and Mary were blessed with a healthy daughter. They named her Caterina de Medici. All the ladies in the Medici household had became excited, as there was a new addition to the Medici household, a little Madonna and they could not wait to spoil her rotten within the household. Henry did not yet understand the importance of having a sister but he was excited to have a sibling nevertheless, as he was not alone anymore. As time went by, the Medici had gotten themselves into a rough patch and Mary had to use whatever abilities she had to try and help Lorenzo with whatever she could help.

Mary sat on the floor with her children as she played with them while Lorenzo was in a meeting. She had never felt very much blessed, very much happy. Although, sometimes, Mary would have reoccurring nightmares once in a while and Lorenzo did all he could to make sure Mary would feel secure and safe, even if it meant adding more guards outside the palazzo, he would do it.

Clarice and Aelia were hardly around since Mary would send the ladies to the supermarket for either food or something for her children. As Mary smiled at her children, Aelia came back with some toys for Caterina and Henry. Clarice came back and told Mary that his meeting was done, or so she heard it was.

Mary had walked out of her rooms, when she heard Lornezo and Giuliano's conversation.

"You're not the only Medici." Giuliano mentioned and Lorenzo looked at his younger brother.

"Well, for a time it felt like it," Lorenzo mentioned and Mary sighed, knowing Lorenzo he was always questioning Giuliano's motivation, "Why the sudden desire to serve?" Lorenzo asked and Mary just rolled her eyes as Giuliano looked at his older brother.

"You question my motive?" Giuliano asked as Lorenzo looked from the wall back to his brother.

"Sandro told me that you are in love with Simonetta Vespucci." Lorenzo mentioned and Mary looked back to her room, where Aelia was staying with her children. Could something have happened between Giuliano and Aelia?

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