Chapter 28

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A year later from all the chaos that's been going on. It was a beautiful night outside. Hawkmoth hasn't been akumatizing as much lately. Maybe he gave up? Whatever the case maybe it was good for me. I went to Luka's boathouse as I saw him passing by. "Hello." I look down at Luka from the boat's roof. He jumped which caused me to giggle. "Chat Noir? It's midnight! What are you doing here?" Luka asked. "I came by to cheer you up. It's been a year, huh?" I stood beside him. "It has." Luka sighed. Last year I was forced to stay inside no school, and no seeing friends. I haven't talked to Luka as my civilian self in a year. Now Chat comes by to visit often. "Miss him?" He nodded. "Of course I do. I'm sure everyone does." I looked off into the sky with him. "No one's seen him. Now he is the guy of my dreams. It's like he isn't real anymore. He doesn't do photoshoots or fashion shows. His father must be torturing him." I rubbed Luka's head. "Don't worry too much about him. If he was doing that bad off Ladybug and I sure would have dealt with it..." I said. Luka smiled reassuringly. "That you Chat Noir. What would Paris do without you?" Luka smiled and hugged me. "I know I know," I said cockily.

Because Adrien Agreste was now gone I was there to replace him. Sure I wasn't with Luka as Chat Noir I'm just here to give him company. Over the last year, we've grown closer. It's amazing. Spending time with him is the only reason why I'm surviving at this point. I carried him onto the roof of a building nearby. I laid across the roof. "The view is much nicer here. What do you think?" I asked. "Yeah, it's amazing..." Luka sighed and leaned his head on his knees. I move to sit beside him. "Lately you've always been down. I don't like seeing you this way. It's not the Luka I know." Luka stood up. "Well Chat Noir, people change. I'm not as happy as I used to be. Not without him." His eyes watered. "You will get akumatized again if you keep talking like that!" I warn. I saw the Akuma passing by. "CATACLYSM!" I yelled. "No!" I tried to get the Akuma while Luka tried pushing me to get it as well. Then that fatal touch happened. My hand was on Luka's chest and he dropped to the floor. "LUKA!!!!!" I screamed.


A tear ran down my face. "I couldn't even show you who I was..." I mumbled looking down at Luka. I carried him to the hospital so that a doctor can assist him. While I was in the hallway bad thoughts made their way into my head. The worst of things always happen to me. Why is everything always my fault? I'm a fuck up. "Chat Blanc" A familiar voice called out to me which I shook my head. "No, not again not again! I will not be akumatized again Hawkmoth!" I covered my ears. I was once akumatized as Adrien, but I was too upset to notice I said the word 'again' Hawkmoth didn't notice either. He just wanted my Miraculous. I thought he gave up, but clearly, he hasn't. I had to come up with a plan so this doesn't happen to me again. I think I just got the thing. I ran outside to where it was night in an ally way. "I surrender Hawkmoth you win." I dropped down to my knees. I had to be strong for Luka. So this isn't going to stop me! I took off my ring.  Hawkmoth desperately tried to see my identity but it was just too dark outside to see. I knew it would be. That was a risky move and if Ladybug figures out I almost shown Hawkmoth my identity she definitely would have killed me. The Akuma disappeared as my costume did just as I planned it.  Because the bell was gone. I transformed back to go to the hospital then de-transformed once again. I run up to Luka as Adrien. He's been upset for so long because of me. I couldn't have just done this anytime I want to, because of the risk of getting caught. This time it was important. If Luka has to die today I at least want to see him as Adrien Agreste. His eyes opened slightly and I sighed with relief. "Oh, Luka!" I hugged him gently. "I love you so much." He was confused about what was happening. "Adrien? I love you too, but what happened? Where's Chat Noir?" I sighed. "He used his Cataclysm on you by accident when you two were pushing each other. He isn't here because I'm sure he feels like shit right now." I looked down. "It was an accident. He didn't mean to, he was just trying to protect me! I was being stupid. I'm so glad to see you Adrien, but I need to apologize to Chat Noir." My eyes widened. To see him care about my real self so much made me feel happy. "Well if that's what you want." I gulped.

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