Chapter 15

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Luka, Marc, and I were at the bachelor party. My father was drunk while he hung out with his friends. He talked to them about Nathalie and I wanted to know more. "Let's go in," I murmur to both of them, and I nod. We tiptoed closer to hear what he was saying about her. "I didn't see this one coming Gabriel. Nathalie? I thought you were never going to move on from Emile." His friend chuckled. "I haven't moved on. I'm just using her." Gabriel said then the friend gasped. "No way. You're that lonely huh?" He chuckled and continues "I bet she likes you too. What do you want from her? Those tits or that pussy?" The guy smirks. I almost want to puke. That is no way to talk about women. They aren't just some toy. "I'm not interested in that," Gabriel said and they talk starting to walk away. I looked at them. "That was horrifying. How could he use her? What does he want if he doesn't want her body?" I said. "Maybe she has something he wants," Marc said. "If so what are we even going to be able to do about this?" Luka asked. I shrugged and sighed.

I eat with them both and swim in my daydream. I don't know if I should tell Nathalie she is being used or not. Wouldn't that make her upset? I don't want to upset her about her big day. I bet she is excited to go out and look like a princess. She'll be so sad. "Adrien?" I hear Luka call out and I looked at him. "Oh, Yes?" Marc and Luka looked at me. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I'm just scared that he'll hurt Nathalie." I looked down and Luka put his hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be alright. You should tell her. It's for the best." I smiled. "Okay, thanks, Luka." We both smiled.

"You guys are so cute." I looked at Marc and so did Luka. "Um," I said "I'm with Marinette," Luka said quickly. "Yeah, but you guys did kiss-" Marc started but Luka spoke, "You told him that!?" I blushed "Umm" Luka was angry. "Marc, he forced himself on me! How is that behavior at all 'cute' if anything me and him aren't compatible." Ouch. I stood up. "Well, I said I was sorry! You were the one who intensely looks into my eyes. I couldn't resist the temptation!" I bit my lip. "Well, you should have because you know I'm dating! I don't want her to think I'm not loyal to her." Marc stood up. "Stop fighting you two! You guys are better than this." Marc said. I sat down and so did Luka. Our arms crossed and we looked away from one another.

We came home from the party early. It was mostly full of drunk men and pole dancers anyway. We couldn't care less about that shit. I saw Nathalie and I just wanted to tell her. "Nathalie," I call out to her and she looked my way. Luka and Marc left me alone. "Yes, Adrien?" I swallowed. "Father said he is only marrying you to use you." I look to see a reaction, but there wasn't one at all. She had no expression. She pats the couch telling me to sit beside her. Nathalie had a tear running and she wiped it. "Adrien, when you find the one person you love dearly I don't want you giving upon them. You have to do anything to get what you want. Even if you deserve better, you can't just give up what you've been fighting for forever. I loved your father since I laid eyes on him. Since Senior year actually, he's never loved me back. Only cared for me with respect. It wasn't what I wanted from him, but at that point, I took what I could get. I know your father is using me. He told me he was, but like I said. I'll do whatever I can for him, and if getting married to him is what it is I'll do it."

My eyes watered for her. "Nathalie! He's hurting you, and you're hurting yourself! You can't do this." She smiled. "But I want to" Nathalie cupped my face. "Don't you love someone Adrien?" My eyes widened. "How did you know?" Nathalie smiled. "You are just like me. You've been fighting for who you love too. You just aren't realizing it. Adrien, you swore at your father for that kid. You have some balls. I know you love Luka." I looked at her. "I do, but everything is ruined now." I cried on her shoulder. "Tell me about it." For a while, I told her what happened at the party. She comforted me the whole time.

I felt a lot better than stood up. "Thank you, Nathalie. I hope father realizes how great you are." She smiled. Marc and Luka came back. "Boys I have reserved an hour for you three at the hot springs. I'll drive you there." Marc and I looked at one another. This is going to be awkward...

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