Chapter 16

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⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️

The three of us hopped into Nathalie's car. There was bad tension in the air. I was kinda upset with Marc, but I wasn't going to get mad at him because I'm already in a fight with Luka. Luka was looking out the window most of the drive. What was stupid though is that when Marc talked to him he talked back. He wasn't talking to me...She arrived. I gulped. This is going to be awkward. "Have a good time boys." She left us there. We walked to our hot spring. "So have you guys made up yet?" Marc smiled awkwardly. I rubbed my arm and Luka ignored him. We all undressed and sat down in it. There was a long awkward silence. "You two are being immature." Marc sighed. "Isn't being quite better than fighting?" Luka asked. "I guess so, but can't you guys just forgive one another..." Marc groans. "No actually. Adrien has to apologize first because I didn't even do anything to him." Luka said and I tighten my fist "Oh yeah? I didn't do anything either!" I stood up. "You told Marc we kissed! Now he thinks I like you." Luka yelled. "I don't think that anymore..." Marc mumbles. "No, he didn't! I know you would never like me. I mean who would like me." I sighed. "I-" Luka started then stopped when I started to cry. "Please I said I was sorry already. I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry that I fucking like you. What do you want me to do about it?" Luka looked at me then calmed himself down. "Adrien, I'm okay if you like me. I respect how you feel, but I want you to respect how I feel too. I love Marinette and I don't want to hurt her." Luka sighed.

"What do you see in Marinette that you don't see in me?" I mumbled. "Adrien I'm not answering that. The both of you are great people..." Luka sat down again. "Yeah, but one is better than the other." I sat down and put my head under the water. Marc and Luka were quiet. "I don't know what to do about him. Adrien is my friend. I don't know why he is so hard on himself." Luka whispers to Marc. "Luka, it's not your fault. Adrien was diagnosed with depression months ago." Marc whispers back. Luka's eyes widened. "I didn't know."

They kept quiet again until they realized it was too quiet. That my head was still under the water and that I was drowning myself. "Adrien is being quiet," Marc said. Luka nodded. "Where is he?" Luka's eyes widened. He looked under the water and grabbed me out of it. "You dumbass!" Luka yells. He placed me down. "I'm so stupid. Why didn't I look sooner." Luka freaks out. "I'll do it if you're not comfortable." Marc offers. "No, I will." Luka does lip to lip contact with me. I coughed. "I-I'm not dead?" I say weakly. "Stop talking like that! You idiot!" Luka yells. "If I knew he was diagnosed sooner I would have been less hard. I didn't know he was suicidal too, not a surprise." Luka thought. Marc and Luka were both tearing up hugging me. They both kept apologizing over and over.

I don't even know what's going on right now. I'm surprised I'm not dead, and I'm glad I'm not. Now I know Luka did care about me... I'm stupid for not knowing sooner. "Maybe we should go home early," Marc says and Luka nodded. We all got dressed and walked home. "Back already?" Nathalie asks. "Yeah, it's been a long day.." I said and the three of us walked upstairs. Marc went into his bedroom to leave us alone. "You should get some rest," Luka said. "I'm sorry." I looked down. "I'm sorry too. Now Adrien gets to sleep. You've gone through enough today." I smiled at him. I wanted to hug him but I didn't know if I had to ask for consent. Before I knew it Luka hugged me. "Don't ever do that again. Okay?" He asked. "I won't." He whispered, "Promise?" I nodded. "I promise."

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