"Still not talking to me" he said. Stiles didn't respond and Scott let out a sigh. And leaned back into his chair. "Can you at least tell me if your dad is ok?" He asked. "I mean it's just a bruise right, just some soft tissue damage?" He asked again. "Nothing to— big" Scott said trying to get stiles to say something.

"You know I feel really bad about it right" Scott said to stiles. Who by the way was still ignoring him. Stiles was looking straight ahead not looking at Scott and playing with a pencil.

"Ok" Scott let out a big breath. "What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out and— and I went to Derek for help".

Stiles the broke the emotionless face he had and dropped his mouth open. His face read 'oh my god you are and idiot'. He let out a big breath and slammed his pencil on the table.

"If I was talking to you I would say that you're an IDIOT for trusting him" he said looking down. "But obviously I'm not talking to you" he said looking back up at the clock. He then made a clicking sound with his tongue and looked ahead at the teacher because class had started.

Scott grabbed his back pack to pull his book out of it. Stiles grabbed his paper and put his name at the top. He was rolling his lips in and making a line with his mouth. I could tell it was killing him not talking to Scott and figuring out what Derek said to him. He sighed and turned around quickly.

"What did he say" Stiles asked. Me and Scott both let out a laugh.

————-after class———-

"What? he wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry" stiles said as the three of us walked out of class.

"Yup" Scott nodded.

"Alright well correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that you try to kill someone and that someone is usually me" Stiles blurted out.

"I know" scott said." That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he will be able to teach me" he said looking at the both of us. "I have to know how to control it".

"Well how is he gonna teach you how to do that" stiles said looking at Scott stupidly.

"I don't know" Scott shrugged. "I don't think he does either" stiles threw his head back and looked at the ceiling while we all walked down the hallway.

"Ok, when are you seeing him again" i asked.

"He just told me not talk about it, and be normal and get through the school day" Scott replied.

"When are you seeing him" I asked again.

"He's picking me up at the animal clinic, after work" he answered.

"After work, alright well that gives us till the end of the school day then" I nodded.

"To do what?" Scott asked.

"To teach you ourselves" I smiled and patted him on the back. Don't get me wrong I like Derek. I don't think he's bad like stiles does. But I however do not want him teaching my innocent brother. lord knows what he would do to him.

I left them in the hallway and walked to lunch. When I entered the cafeteria I sat down with Lydia and Allison. They were in the middle of something. Well more like Allison was in the middle of something and Lydia was listening.

"The what of who?" Lydia asked.

"The beast of shivadon" Allison repeated herself. "Listen, a wolf like monster, prowling the Overrun in south DoorGoin areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767" she paused "labett killed over 100 people becoming so infamous that king Louie the 15th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it" she smiled reading the book in her hand clearly enjoying the topic.

My brothers best friend ||STILES STILINSKI||Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu