chapter 6 : fleurs void

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fleur had been back for several days now, several nights spent just laying on her bed thinking for hours on end. fleur couldn't ignore the big hole she felt in her chest, the way she felt cold all the time or the fact she thought she missed void.

it was a thursday night, 17:56pm exactly and it had just gotten dark outside when void arrived in the girls bedroom.

not noticing his presence yet fleur didn't feel as cold, or as sad. she lay on her bed for a few seconds more when she noticed another presence in the room. quickly shivering back onto her bed fleur gasped out voids name.

" fleur " he mimicked with his deep voice. " you left "

" i left " fleur confirmed

" why "

" i was scared "

" of me? "

" of what was going to happen. "

seconds of silence passed and fleur ripped her minds to shreds of what to do. she wasn't thinking when she jumped off her tall bed and walked over into voids arms. she hugged him tightly not as an apology; not as a goodbye either but as a this isn't over.

" no " he shrugged off her thin arms

" what? " she chuckled nervously

" i said fucking no, okay? you left. you wanted to escape. " void admitted all his feelings. she could feel the tension in the air rising as void gif angrier with her.

" i'm sorry " she protested

" yeah? well sorry isn't cutting it dove " the last word cutting like a knife in fleur's chest. dove was the first nickname he had called her and usually it created butterflies in her tummy; this time it just greater a big gaping hole in her stomach that she wanted to disappear into.

the loving memory of the nickname vanished. washed away by whatever he had just hissed. shocked and caught up in her thoughts fleur hadn't uttered a reply even in actions.

fleur swallowed " what are you gonna do about it " she cockily pushed at his buttons ; unaware of what void was capable of.

void chuckled to himself at the naiveness of the girl. " you'll see princess" " he bowed down and with that he vanished.

fleur felt cold again ; icy. the pressure to be strong adding more weight everyday. pushing it further down again fleur got up from her room and decided to focus on something else. anything else.

because fleur's parents were never home the house was always a mess. something in cleaning when she wanted to do it was very therapeutic, especially with the right music.


a few hours later :

fleur couldn't take the guilt of keeping things from her best friend. they took a vow to be honest and true to one another in 6th grade when they we're looking back at their 5th grade snapchat memories.

fleur had admitted to thinking lydias outfit was ugly but didn't want to say anything. lydia was astonished at her best friend not telling her and embarrassed at even thinking of wearing that outfit.

it was a lime green headband that matched her lime green socks. the socks pulled up to her knees over some stripped lime green tights paired with a black skirt to match her thick black eyeliner. the only other colour was on lydias top that read flip out in pink with again ; a lime green back round.

after confessing all of what happened with void to lydia, the feelings , his kind actions hidden under many layers of god knows what; she even confessed about how she had just seen void and how she feels without him.

lydia promised not to tell the rest of the group for now and explained their current situation. stiles had been tested for the evil spirit in him the night before. lydia and fleur spent the rest of the night gossiping about mindless things.

fleur knew lydia was dragging out the whole call so fleur didn't feel empty again ; but she was okay with it.

super sorry this is a short one! thanku sm if you're still reading 🥰

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