"He's in the back crying about how he's the only failure in life out me, him and Horikita. As you know Horikita is a spy and I'm starting a clothing line, and Sudo didn't know this so he made a fool of himself in front of Horikita." I honestly felt bad for the guy but what else was there to do about him. Well that's tough.

I waited for my fries on the side and after they came  I left Sandwich Queen. I had nothing better to do so I went to my dorm to chill there until the designated time. (No Ai☹️sad boi) When it was 2:35 I got up to get ready to leave for the train station.

Nothing eventful happened during this unconventional time. I made my way to the front of the mall and what met me there was a flying compass aimed at my heart.

This woman was trying to kill me and what were those two behind her doing. They, they were laughing. I thought these two were upstanding citizens but it seems like I was wrong.

We have Subject 1- a short black hair girl with nigh perfect breasts that is out for blood at the word partner.

Next is Subject 2- a blonde hair beauty with her hair in a neat ponytail(not yet short hair Ai, but Kaguya relationship with Ai is her short hair form) that will steal your food in the bat of an eye

And finally Subject 3- a long black haired girl with a fantastic skin complexion. She will say ~Ara so scary that it can make grown men pee their pants.

If these three joined forces what would my life turn out to be. I could only think of hell. "Ayanokoji-Kim why did you dodge the compass that was 100% accurately supposed to hit its target." Subject #1 said.

"Ayanokoji, I have a request and I have more than enough ways to pay you for it." Subject #2 said. What did she mean by enough ways?

"You know I've never ridden a public train before maybe they'll be sexual assaulters on her and I'll need to kill them." Now what was Subjext #3 said.

I made my way towards them and magically I tripped on air and landed face first into Hayasaka.

"To think you would have found one of my ways to repay you, I was joking but now I can never get married, you must take me as your bride." What was Subject #2 saying. I had the urge to smack her and call her an idiot in a high enough voice to make it seem like I'm a virgin that met the main heroine.

"Ara, You know Horikita-san maybe we don't even need to go on the train to find our desired person of interest." Huh? "For once I agree with you Shinomiya no one would expect a high schooler dead at the front of the mall." Wait why are you agreeing with her.

With these three I felt trouble was brewing. "Hello 911 there's a molester, um the address it's—"this time I smacked this idiot girl in the back of her head with enough force to unconsciousness. Was I gonna be arrested; well I can't say my record is clean anyways.

"So you really are trying to molest Hayasaka, Ayanokoji-kun." Subject #1 said. We were still in front of the mall and in the span of 5 minutes someone's unconscious, someone spawned a shovel, and another looks on the verge of gruesome torture.

Note that this was still in front of the mall, now how were we going to manage 2 weeks with each other. Usually I'll be able to decipher this but my brain poofed away. *Sigh* it looks like I'll have to pull out my trump card.

"Ahhh—I'm being raped by three girls that are trying to make me seem like I'm the victim and they are going to do something naughty." I said in my most high pitched voice which probably came out as the most monotonous thing in the world.

As I saw the people that were looking at us I saw sympathy in their eyes. Yes my plan worked. Wait something was off. The females were glaring at me like a piece of trash. They probably thought I was lying, I couldn't believe it. Now I'll have to use my trump trump card.

I got up off the ground and made my way quickly to the two remaining girls. I used the force of the side of my palm to knock both of them unconscious. I picked up all the girls and made a run for it.

Now looking back on this that's probably why I'm prostrating myself in a room filled with three girls that are not going to let me go, with the sign 'Sexual Assaulter' written on it hanging around my neck.

I thought of knocking them unconscious again but that definitely wasn't going to happen twice. I resigned myself to fate and sat there. Maybe it was time I started writing my death will. End.

Authors Note

Ah this is terrible writing at its finest. I felt unusually tired this morning and didn't start writing this until 6pm on the verge of nearly forgetting. I promise on Wednesday I'll do better. Kei will also get more screen time in the near future or I'll try👍

The other fanfic is still getting updated tomorrow with no excuses because I feel quite refreshed. If you haven't already go check it out, there's not much though.

This was more of a transition chapter as I was didn't want to be writing so late into the night. Well not that late.

I guess writing a full on OC story with no particular guideline to follow is a struggle. I'm really contemplating on going on an indefinite hiatus and update again until May 32nd.

Jk, I'll never go on hiatus for as long as I can try. If I do get tired of writing this I'll just write the conclusion and you can make up your own story, not like that's gonna happen anyways but can a person dream.

Ah I felt like this has been a long Authors Note and I should end it here. Yeah, Yeah. Well like always I hoped you enjoy and have a great rest of your morning/evening/night/day.

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