Chapter 4

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Horikita POV
After what happened earlier with the lewd suits I decided to go grab something to eat. It was nearing noon and I felt like I was craving something less healthy than my daily nutritional balanced meals.

I went to the part of the mall that housed all of the fast food areas and had trouble choosing which one out of 3 I wanted to go to.

WcRonalds, Sandwich Queen, and Cow-fil-Pay

They were all relatively high rated as I looked it up on google so I still had trouble choosing. I decided to go with Sandwich Queen as I was more into a chicken feeling that a cow.

I walked into the store and waited in line behind all the regular people.
The Agency is divided into two areas: the civilians and the spies. It is a rather large area so it allows families to live there. Think of the agency about the size of a relatively small neighborhood.
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I was scrolling through the spy webpage to see any daily news or pending requests after my current one is completed.

"Next please" a male voice said. I walked up to the counter and can see the cashier visibly flinch. I didn't know what was wrong with him but I still decided to order.

"Can I please have a #2 with curly fries and a lemonade." I said. He just sat there. Wasn't it supposed to be customer service as to not make a mistake in the order.

"Hello?" I said. "Oh yes I'm sorry you said a #1 with waffle fries and a water" he responded completely wrong. Is this guy an idiot, the green hat even compliments the idiot persona.

"Sudo what's taking so—" the person stopped talking as soon as we made eye contact. I don't remember her well as we barely interacted but the name Sudo rings a bell.

During the exams when we first enrolled in the agency Sudo was one of my classmates and he failed the exam by a slim margin. He was saved by me and Ayanokoji and we barely interacted after that.

Then during a spy provision he failed miserably and me and Ayanokoji gave up on the poor guy. The day he left he called me out and confessed to me but to be met with a hard no. Even if I intended to look for a romantic partner he wouldn't even be considered a choice.

"Shut up Karuizawa it's just been a while since I've last seen her so I didn't know how to react."(here's Kei I found a way to put her in the story)

"It has been a while but wouldn't it be kind of embarrassing to go from trying to be a spy to flipping burgers" Karuizawa retorted. But couldn't the same apply to you.

Her and Hiyori had been friends during their time at the Agency and when Karuizawa left Hiyori entered a state of sadness. It was kind of sad to see her working at a fast food place but there was nothing I could do.

"But aren't you doing the same thing!" Sudo yelled. It seemed were on the same wavelength. Weird.

"I do this because I need to get money on my own for now. Right now I'm entering a beauty and clothing line with 2 of my friends and we are saving up enough money so the loan won't be so grand." she said triumphantly. Sudo's mouth gaped.

Ara, she was well off so it seemed only this idiot was the only one not doing anything with their life. I was genuinely shocked but it seemed that area of entrepreneurship fitted her better than being a spy.

"Um... Excuse me can you please hurry with these orders I don't have all day to wait" a feminine voice said. Wow she was beautiful, she had a nice black hair, nice white skin, and seemed to have a prestigious aura. There was another female next to her that was just as beautiful with blonde hair.

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