I reached the school.

It was sharp at 9am when I entered my classroom and the teacher was not there. Gulf came to the class rushing within 5 minutes after I got seated. He sat on his seat which was near me.

"Hello Gulf, good morning, I hope you are not sleepy now, you ran to the school right" I mocked him.

"...." He didn't reply.

I just let it go.

Teacher came late and started the class right after. Physics class was hell boring so I was just glancing at Gulf's handsome face which was angry and grumpy. It's not normal. Second hour was maths, I love maths so I concentrated on my class and I know he is angry and I don't want to make it worse.

It was lunch break after 2 hours of math class. I asked Gulf to join me to buy lunch and he didn't respond to me so I went out to buy our lunch. I bought his favourite as an apology.

When I came back I heard Gulf talking to other boys I was about to enter the classroom, I heard a question that I wanted to know the answer from Gulf.

"Why are you and Mew always together?" One of them asked.

"Of Course he is my best friend and we were close from childhood, why what's wrong?" Gulf answered firmly.

"Don't you love Mew?" The other one asked.

"No! Absolutely not" Gulf answered him immediately. I felt my heart aching badly.

"Why? You both are attached to each other just like lovers" the next one said.

"See, I'm not a disgusting gay and I'm straight, I will not love Mew now and never, keep it in your mind" Gulf said. It was like a warning for me. 

'Then my hope is all gone now, my love for him was just a waste, I better not tell him about my feelings, I don't want him to hate me' I felt my tears running on my cheeks. I wiped it quickly and went inside.

"Hello guys, what were you talking about, I think I missed something" I asked as if I didn't know anything happened before I came in.

"Nothing Mew, just a big rumour that you both are lovers and we just cleared it" the one who asked the question said.

"You yourself said it's a rumour then why asking" I asked him.

"Then tell me how you feel about Gulf?" I wanted to run away from that place but I couldn't.

"What do you mean by it? He is like my brother and my best friend, nothing more or less, drop the topic already" I said clearly, hurting myself deep inside and killing my feelings for him and buried at last.

"Okay byee, sorry Gulf and Mew we will not ask it again, we will help you to clear this rumour" they said and went out.

"Here your lunch Gulf" I passed his lunch.

"Thankyou" he said.

"I'm sorry Gulf, I didn't mean to hurt you but you should stop being late so I came leaving you alone" I apologized.

"It's okay Mew, I know you care about me alot" he said.

'Yes, Gulf I care about you alot and now you are only my best friend, I know you are not a disgusting gay like me and you don't love me, sorry for having such feelings for you forgive me Gulf, I won't repeat it, I promise' I wiped my tears which was about to fall.

End of flashback 🎥

That moment was vivid in my mind and even though I carry his baby, I wouldn't force him to take care of my baby. It's just that he is my baby's father, I can take care of my baby alone.

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