Surprising Visit

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It was already late evening when Lilith tiredly headed out of the studio. There were some problems and project designs that had changed and it was such a bothersome day. Finally reaching her home and heading to the bed she thought, Have I forgotten something important? Hm... There were no emergency calls from Charlie, so she is fine, from the silhouette on the bed Lucy is already asleep and also fine. Well, if they are alright then whatever I forgot can wait till tomorrow. Silent slipping under the sheets she layed down tiredly and soon fell asleep.

Back to I.M.P.

Blitz sighed waking up. His neck was killing him from the uncomfortable way he had fallen asleep in. Looking around he frowned. This certainly is not my bed. Why am I still in the office? Remembering he immediatly straightened up, Loona and the baby! Looking around he sighed at the sight of a still sleeping Loona on the couch, but the child was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly he noticed a soft humming sound coming from his office. Slowly standing up his gun in hand he creeped closer to the slightly open door, the humming voice somehow seeming familiar. Slowly opening the door ready to shoot he stopped in his track at the sight before him. "Oh, you finally woke up Blitzi!"

"What the fuck are you doing in my office Stolas?!" The owl sighed at quietly shaking his head at Blitz while still sitting on the desk softly holding the cute toddler in his arms feeding her a perfectly warm bottle of milk. "Such crude words in front of a baby", he softly scold, "But to answer your question, I am feeding this cute baby girl here, Blitzi. I must say, I was quite surprised finding a child here and such a lovely one too and since she had just woken up when I arrived, I took the liberty to feed her."

Blitz rubbed the side of his head frustratedly, "I meant, why did you come to my office to begin with?" "Oh, Blitzi! Did you forget which day it is?" Blitz scowled, "The fullmoon is next week." Stolar laughed quietly setting the empty bottle down before swiftly hoisting the the toddler over his shoulder patting her back, but seeing as she immediatly started to play with his feathers laughing and giggling, the child had grown out of burping after eating it seemed. Letting her stay on his shoulder and play with his feathers he turned back to the perplexed looking Imp, "Blitzi, it's your birthday. That's why I came."

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