Chapter 2: The Loyal

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With the shield down the trio wasted no time in getting to the source of Variks' signal, and they found themselves dealing with even more fallen.

"These guys just don't let up! How many of them are there?!" Spe-7 asks as she throws a powerful arc charged kick at a captain, frying it to a crisp.

"If this is a brand new house, then we must have not known about it before then." Suzuka says as the trio makes their way out of the cave that the barrier was once guarding. There they see another skiff, and the sounds of a struggle.

"WAIT!!!" A raspy voice calls out, a raspy voice that sounds nearly identical to the distress message.

"Wait... I think that was Variks!" Spe-7 says. "Let's move!" And with that the trio abandons the sparrows to traverse the snow on foot. Unfortunately for them a snowstorm begins to kick up and their vision is heavily reduced, forcing them to stick together. "I can't see a thing!"

"But I think that's a building up ahead! They might all be on the roof!" Gold calls out as the trio manages to make their way to the roof and they see a fallen vandal dressed in green- and a group of the strange white and blue fallen.

"Help Variks, yees?!" The green vandal calls out. He appears to have been frozen up to his waist in ice and the enemy fallen are ready to shish kabob the poor vandal into bits.

"Get away from him!" Spe-7 shouts as she unleashes her arc energy and conjures up a spear. The spear wielding fallen look in shock as they see the equine hunter bring out a weapon exactly like the one they're holding and they immediately charge- a fatal mistake as Spe-7 proceeds to perform a 360 swipe, zapping them silly before taking quick jabs at those that managed to back out of the way. Her energy exhausts and Variks looks in surprise as he immediately notices their equine features.

"You are new... I have not seen your kind before..." Variks mumbles as Gold proceeds to take down the last of the white and blue fallen, leaving just the green vandal. "Please, free me, quickly!" And with that Gold channels some of her solar energy. It does little to melt the ice, but as soon as she punches it, the ice shatters, freeing Variks from his frozen prison and causing him to stumble around, using his cane as support. It's also clear that Variks is missing his upper right arm, possibly due to his captors.

"Okay, now that we freed you, you need to explain yourself." Spe-7 demands. "You said that "darkness walks among us", so please tell us what you mean by that."

"There is no time, they are coming!" Variks says. "Variks requests your protection once more. When they are gone, I will explain everything." And with that the vandal retreats inside the building once more, and a strange red laser hits the ground- right where Gold is standing. Unfortunately the equine titan is too late and a giant war machine falls on top of her, crushing her and forcing Queen to come out.

"Probably should have moved while you had the chance!" Queen says as the ghost resurrects Gold.

"What in the world is that thing?!" Gold asks as she recollects her bearings and rushes over to Spe-7 and Suzuka. The war machine in question appears to have one arm folded back, with the other wielding a powerful cannon. It sports the strange emblem on it's side and it bellows out a mechanical roar as it begins firing void blasts from the cannon.

"Look out!" Spe-7 shouts as everyone dodges. "How do we even damage it?!"

"Let's shoot it in the face! Worked for everything else!" Gold calls out as she brings out her machine gun and starts firing away at the big robot, who in turn retaliates with energy blasts not unlike from a pike's. With the robot completely distracted Spe-7 fires a rocket at it's face, blowing off it's faceplate and exposing it's inner workings, but this also enrages the robot as it takes to the skies and unfolds it's other arm to reveal an even bigger cannon than the other one. "... I think that just pissed it off..." The robot then begins charging up a powerful solar blast and shoots at their feet, creating an explosion that sends them all flying! "YEP! WE DEFINITELY PISSED IT OFF NOW!"

"Ya think?!" Spe-7 shouts as Suzuka manages to make her way back up to the roof and charges up a nova punch. Deftly avoiding the pike blasts she manages to reach the brig and she slams her fist into it's delicate inner workings, pulverizing them with her nova bomb and causing the brig to go out in a mighty explosion that sends Suzuka flying yet again.

"Suzuka-chan! Are you-" Spe-7 gets cut off as Suzuka faceplants into the snow right next to her, wildly flailing her legs as she tries to get out. "Hold still!" And with that Spe-7 manages to uproot Suzuka from the ground.

"Variks once again thanks you." Variks says. "In turn, I will explain everything, yeees?" He finishes by making weird insect-like chattering noises.

"Then let's head inside and see what we can find out. We've got questions for you besides what happened before you left." Spe-7 says.

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