Chapter 9: The Technocrat

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"What is it with these Fallen and their obsessions with the Vex?!" Spe-7 asks as she kicks the dead body of a prime servitor- one that had been constantly throwing the trio of guardians all over the place with it's teleportation abilities- all to protect a single Vex conflux. On top of the multiple Vex that were also trying to murder them the trio felt more than annoyed with their new target, Praxis. "This guy just wants to play with us at this point... You sure you'll be okay without that splinter?"

"If this gives us a third one we should be fine." Suzuka says.

"Eramis met Praxis in prison." Variks begins. "They exchanged multiple words, and it wasn't long before he joined House Salvation..." Insect like chattering can be heard. "He is the one that works to empower Eramis' army with the darkness. You must stop him, yees?"

"Roger that. Where is he?" Spe-7 asks.

"You may find him back in Bray Exoscience." Variks replies. "He is attempting to experiment with the exos there... Perhaps he is trying to further the Fallen... Yees?" Even more insect like chattering can be heard as the trio heads down into the Bray Exoscience building to find the technocrat.

"No no no no this is not what I wanted!" A voice mumbles on the comms- none other than Praxis himself. "What the?! Guardians?! In the building?!"

"We're here to kick your ass!" Spe-7 shouts.

"Oh you think you can just waltz in so easily huh? My lab assistants are here to usher you out!" Praxis calls out as Fallen emerge to try and stop them. Suzuka quickly moves in and throws a scatter grenade that decimates a good portion of the attacking forces and disorients those nearby, allowing for easy pickings by Spe-7 and her minigun. An exceptionally large captain then emerges, intent on decapitating Gold, but the equine titan quickly retaliates by emptying the entire cylinder of her hand cannon into him, causing him to explode and take out the group he was commanding in the blast.

"Okay come on out!" Gold shouts. "We're not your little guinea pigs!" A door then opens, but as soon as Spe-7 charges in, she fails to realize that there are trip grenades stuck all over the place and the equine hunter is blown to smithereens. Twinkle revives her just a few seconds later and Spe-7 looks pissed, even more so when they all hear Praxis laughing in Eliksni.

"Oh that sneaky little shit! I'm gonna cave his face in when I see him!" Spe-7 shouts as the trio heads further into the lab to try and find Praxis. "Something tells me he's set more traps, be on the lookout."

"Says the one that walked right into one." Gold snickers, but Suzuka whacks the equine titan in the back of the head with her cabal gun, bringing her back into focus. "Right." The Fallen from this point on are no more than a nuisance to be cleared out as the trio yet again venture further into the lab to try and find the technocrat. Their fruition pays off as they encounter Praxis, but the shield that he has projected cannot be penetrated- no matter how many rockets, sword swings or even machine gun bullets are thrown at him.

"What's wrong? Can't hit me?" Praxis laughs, and it's then that Gold notices a drone flying right over everyone's heads.

"Maybe we can now!" Gold shouts as she leaps high into the air and kicks the drone out of flight, causing it to explode and causing Praxis' shield to vanish.

"Uh oh..." And with that the technocrat rushes out with the trio going after him.

"Get back here!" Spe-7 shouts as they continue to chase him. Eventually they manage to corner him... In a room that just so happens to sport the shield drones that have been keeping Praxis safe from harm. "Oh well that's just great." And just like that the shield regenerates, and Fallen emerge to protect Praxis.

"Now this is just getting ridiculous." Suzuka mumbles as Praxis immediately starts throwing strange grenades, almost like the ones that Suzuka threw when she first tried out stasis.

"I hope you like this!" Praxis laughs as he throws a grenade that creates a field of freezing cold air- one that begins to slow down Suzuka just being nearby.

"What the?!" Suzuka quickly tries to get out of the field, only for Praksis to throw another grenade and it's not long before her leg completely freezes over and she finds herself unable to move. "Ah!"

"What's wrong? Feeling the chills?" Praxis cackles, but then two wells of the strange blue light emerge and Spe-7 and Gold immediately rush over. They're frozen over as soon as they reach the wells but the light shines through once more and they break free, empowered with Stasis and more than ready to teach Praxis a lesson.

"You get the drones Gold! I'm going to have a little word with this guy!" Spe-7 says as Gold proceeds to fire away, shooting down the drones with her machine gun, and the equine hunter forms her icy scythe just as Praxis' shield goes down. "Eat this!" Praxis eats slash after slash from the equine hunter, and when the Fallen try to move in Gold simply unleashes hers and starts creating walls of ice with each stomp of her foot.

"Try getting through that bugbrains!" Gold laughs as the Fallen find themselves without a way to protect Praxis, and the technocrat falls as Spe-7 proceeds to decapitate him. With their scientist gone the Fallen retreat and the trio finds themselves wondering how to get out of the lab.

"This could take a while... Let's see if we can retrace our steps..." Suzuka mumbles as her leg unfreezes and the trio tries to find their way out of the lab.

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