23. Epilogue

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"Welcome to Capri!" I exclaimed throwing up a bunch of sand and letting it fall to our feet.

Nae eyed me skeptically as she allowed James to help her out of the car Henry sent to pick them up. "Hey guys, thanks for inviting us on your vacation?"

I immediately pinched my lips shut, allowing Henry to speak. He placed his arm around my shoulders, "We figured everyone could use a little relaxation."

Nix hopped out of the car next, stretching as Delia used his shoulder to climb out. "Something's happening, I would say you're pregnant but we already knew that." He said to me while going to hug his brother.

Nae seconded Nix's theory as she hugged me. After we all greeted each other, we pointed them to their respective villa's and told them to meet us in that same spot in their fanciest attire at 7. I saw something spark in Nae's eyes but her own skepticism snuffed it out so I didn't have to.

Once they left, I turned to Henry and the pure joy in his eyes brought tears to my own. "I love you," I told him, reaching up to caress his cheek.

"I want to marry you," He said, turning to kiss my palm.

I sighed, "Soon enough, Henny baby! Soon enough."

Soon enough which turned out to be that evening. When Nixon, Delia, Janae and James arrived at the meeting place they were greeted by a guide who led them to a private area. There were lights and chairs and a beautiful flower frame that stood before the ocean. A priest stood beneath it and greeted the guests who were invited to sit on their respective sides of the aisle.

Shortly after, Courtney stepped out in a beautiful white gown that flowed in the wind. She walked herself down the aisle where she awaited her soulmate, the man she's been in love with since the day she met him.

When he finally emerged, she felt like she could take flight. And so did he, he was so light in fact he felt like he glided all the way to her.

The ceremony was short and sweet and before everyone knew it, the two were married.

"Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kennedy, Court, what the fuck?" Nae gasped, still shocked that we flew her out to Capri for my surprise destination wedding.

I laughed, hand firmly intertwined with Henry's as we mingled while we waited for our dinner table. "I know right? It's hard to believe."

She laughed, "Um yes miss fuck marriage and kids!"

I snorted, "Now look at me, all pregnant and hitched."

Nae just looked absolutely stunned, which I counted a win because Nae was hardly phased now-a-days.

Nixon cleared his throat, "The plan worked." He chuckled, grabbing everyone's attention.

Immediately, I jumped on that, "Oh yes! What's this plan I've been hearing about?" I asked, dying to know ever since Sherry let the cat out of the bag like a year and a half ago.

Henry squeezed my hand, putting on his it's all good face. I raised an eyebrow and he brought my hand to his lips, giving my knuckles a kiss. "All you need to know," He said, glancing around the group before turning his full attention back on me. "Is that you and I ended up together."

I opened my mouth to pry for details but then the hostess approached announcing our table was ready. I narrowed my eyes which only made him smile.

"And when I finally get my ring on this pretty finger, the whole damn world will know it." He said, tapping my ring finger.

Okay, that actually made me blush for some reason. I took in a deep breath, the business side of me already preparing my interrogation tactics, but then the other side of me rose up and decided we didn't need to know the plan because he was right, we were finally together and that's all that mattered.

Ugh, barf! Look at you Court, all soft and gooey now.

I snorted as we made our way to the table, hand in hand, because quite frankly? I wouldn't have it any other way.

And that's a wrap kinfolk!! I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it! I love Henry & Court's relationship <3

Praying all is well, y'all!

Be safe

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