9. Entitled, White Boy Prick

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Henry was in my office.

Bright and early on Monday morning, he was in my office and I... I smiled at him! I smiled and I almost did a twirl but I figured that would be a little overkill. My date on Saturday was great and Sunday morning I woke up to a bouquet of flowers outside me door.

Ethan was just... I shook my head, going to place my bag on my desk. "Morning Henry." I said, slipping off my long blazer so I could re-loop my skinny black belt. "What brings you to New York?"

He was seated in one of the chairs before my desk, his big body over taking the furniture. He shifted, eyeing me with one raised brow, "You're actually smiling at me? I should take a damn picture, it's been years-"

My smile instantly fell, his words jabbing the wound; embarrassment, hurt, sadness, but most importantly, anger spewing out. I kissed my teeth, "Why are you here?" I asked dryly, buckling my belt and then taking my seat.

His eyes were buzzing, full of energy and I knew instantly he was here loosely on business but mostly to continue his stupid little game. I refrained from rolling my eyes.

"I've found a few pieces of land I'd like you to consider." He said flippantly, sitting up in the chair and putting on his boardroom tone.

I crossed one leg over the other, then folded my hands in my lap. "You could've sent an email."

He nodded, taking cue from me and placing one ankle on his knee. "I rather enjoy in person. We-"

"-I'm dating someone." I told him, plain and simple, wanting nothing more than for him to hop on a plane and get out of my face.

Henry stiffened in his chair, "I heard you and Ryan-"

I held up a hand to cut him off, "Yes, we're through. I'm dating someone else, so this little game you're playing, needs to end." I said seriously, eyes narrowing.

Something I said pissed him off, I could see it in the blush on his cheeks and the way his eyes hardened completely. He stood and said, "There's a property in Minnesota and in New Mexico that fit the direction we plan on taking. There's a property in Toronto that will require a little more imagining. I'll have Sherry connect with Wayne about dates to visit the land." And then he left.

And I, I sat in my office and stewed. How dare he? I-ugh! Henry. Stupid, stupid, Henry. I was on cloud nine and he had to come and ruin it with his stupid presence. The gal! Such an entitled, white boy, prick. I hated guys like him growing up.

There were a couple in my high school, they thought they were better and were incredibly entitled. One of them also had a ridiculous infatuation with me despite him blatantly being pretty racist. I clenched my fist, grinning at the memory of the black eye I gave him at homecoming.

And Henry was fixing for the same treatment if he wouldn't just leave me alone. Sure, it had pissed me off when he was acting all nonchalant last week, but now I had Eri-Ethan. Gosh, Ethan, of course. I know his name. And I love spending time with him, so Henry could go fuck Persephone for all I care.

I've moved on to bigger and better things and I'd like nothing more than for him to do the same.


I was playing hooky from work, and it was thrilling.

Okay, I wasn't fully playing hooky. Our flight for Minnesota was leaving later today so work was optional. I would like to point out, however, that where I'd normally still be the first one in the building - I chose to get breakfast with Ethan.

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