3. Sexy & Divorced Henry Kennedy

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Francesca was smiling and what a dazzling smile it was, even though it felt incredibly misplaced. Of course, I don't know the girl, but I knew as soon as her lips stretched that she didn't do it often. I might've begun to even like the girl, her smile was so pretty, if the reason she was smiling wasn't the exact reason I was considering murder at a wedding.

Not that I could blame her, Henry looked devastatingly handsome and, fuck, I was finding it hard to breathe. Thankfully, he hadn't seen me yet or he was ignoring me, it was probably the later but my ego chose to believe the former. With David as a wonderful distraction, I slipped away from the table in desperate need of a drink.

Thankfully, the bar was open and unoccupied, which meant I had a glass of brandy in seconds. I sighed, savoring my first sip as it flooded my veins, already taking away the sting of a broken... Ah fuck, a broken heart, okay! But I wasn't going to think about the fact I was crushed because I no longer have Henry in my life. Especially not while I have brandy because, frankly, it was rude to think of anything else in such esteemed company.

"Please tell me that was Henry Kennedy I saw chatting with David? He's so sexy and divorced." Vanya said in a rush, cheeks flushed after suddenly appearing at my side.

I, however, ignored her and took another sip. Ole girl burned so good as she went down my throat, I couldn't help but smile a bit.

Vanya squealed, "Oh god, it is him!"

I frowned, not sure why she was suddenly so certain of his identity but more sure of why I had found her so annoying in college. God Court, you are miserable. Okay! Not annoying in a bad way, annoying in a younger sister type of way.

Something I understood completely despite being the younger sister.

"What I would give to have a single night with him. How can one man have both the perfect body and success and be so kind? I remember that specifically, how kind he was." Vanya was rambling, sounding like a lovesick teenager.

If she had been talking about any other rando at the wedding, or even the groom himself! I would've been able to ignore her, but she was talking about Henry. And Henry was all those things Vanya was saying and so much more.

Or at least he used to be, the voice in my head reminded me. I frowned, turning towards Vanya with determination setting my brow, "Henry is wonderful, you should go chat with him."

Vanya's eyes, which were buzzing darted over my shoulder, "Damn he's hot, okay! After dinner," She winked right as the music started, signaling everyone to their seats.

Squaring my shoulders, I tossed back the rest of my drink then made my way back to the table.

Sure, my heart still ached after getting fucked and then shunned by my best friend, but I was the one with the real power. Henry wanted me. He risked his marriage for me. He divorced his wife, for me. And I was the one who got away, not him, but me. So I'll be damned if I stew in self pity when I'm supposed to find the hottest guy here to fuck.

Albeit, now that I know Henry's here, the second hottest guy.

Blowing out a breath, I flipped some hair over my shoulder as I took my seat, now the last one to join the table. David nudged me, "Henry and I concluded we've been seated at the single executives table. Somehow that's both haughty and embarrassing."

I snorted, glancing around the table and noting that I almost recognized everyone. Especially the lady seated besides Henry, not that I looked at him. My eyes slipped straight past his silky brown locks and to the skinny man on his other side.

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