13. Burn The Gold Studded Shoes

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"Courtney, settle this debate," Henry said not two seconds after we adjourned the meeting.

I held up a finger as I finished scribbling my thoughts, and then I gave him my attention. He grinned and not for the first time I noted how handsome he was, "What now?"

He closed the folder that was laid out in front of him, "Nixon thinks he should wear an all white suit-"

"-Hell no," I said immediately, my eyebrows pulling together. "Why in the fuck would he wear an all white suit?" I cursed, in the conference room.

I immediately looked around but then remember, this meeting was just Henry and I, I relaxed.

Henry's cheeks flushed, "That's actually not even what the debates about." He said quietly, scratching his head in embarrassment. "I like the suit he bought-"

"-He already bought. It?" I asked, eyes sitting low because he had to be kidding.

Henry's cheeks only got redder, "I may or may not have purchased it. As a wedding gift."

I slapped a hand over my mouth to stop from laughing, "Okay," I said through pinched lips. I waited a beat and then just gestured for him to continue because I was gonna laugh if I parted my lips again.

"The thing is, he wants to wear these awful, gold studded loafers. As a surprise. And I think Delia will absolutely hate them, but he keeps saying she's his fiancé." Henry finished explaining, having the decency to still be embarrassed about buying the damn white suit.

"Oh my god, Delia would literally turn around and walk right out of the church." I gasped, sucking in air because for some reason I had been holding my breath too.

Henry sighed, "That's what I tried to tell him, but then he was like if I can turn her on in pastel shorts, I can keep her in gold shoes. Or some shit like that." He rolled his eyes, running a hand back through his hair, his eyebrows pinched with stress.

I choked on a laugh, "Oh my gosh, Nixon is..."


I grinned, "Call him, maybe I can talk some sense into him."

Henry's eyebrows shot up, "Oh that's a good idea. He respects you."

I opened my mouth to comment, but I already knew that Nix thought himself a million times wiser than Henry, so I closed it. Henry whipped out his phone and called Nix, while it rang I turned to Wayne who was playing Subway Surfer on his phone.

I cleared my throat, "Can you email our decisions to Ed and Gabe before lunch?"

"Aye, aye cap," He said immediately, his eyes and thumb still glued to the game.

I frowned, not liking the lack of at work decorum, but then Henry was talking so I turned back towards him.

"Ni- man, shut up," Henry laughed, his eyes turning towards the ceiling. "I'm, I'm actually with her now." He said, his lip twitching before her schooled it into a neutral expression. "I'm putting you on speaker, I swear to-"

"-Yeah, yeah, I'll behave." Nix was saying as Henry placed his phone on the table. "Am I on?"

"Yup," Henry and I said at the same time.

"Courtney, hello doll." Nixon said all smooth, sounding like he was smirking and holding back a laugh.

I cut right to the chase, "Burn the gold studded shoes."


"-And the all white suit, while you're at it." I added, giving a pointed look to Henry who then pouted.

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