1. Another One Bites The Dust

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Hey lovelies ❤️
Book 3 of the "&" series here!
Love y'all!!

I was going to murder him, it didn't have to be slow and painful but he did have to die. Two years, two years and he pulls this shit? I glowered, making the man presenting facts and figures before me swallow thickly.

I turned and discreetly motioned for my assistant, Wayne, to approach. He shuffled forward and squatted so he could hear my whisper. "Reschedule my afternoon meetings for Thursday morning and cancel my lunch with Bradley." I told him before fixing my features and focusing back in on the meeting.

I'd spent a good part of the morning being embarrassed and subsequently pissed. However, I was no longer giving time nor energy to the rat nosed loser boy who felt I was dragging my feet too long to marry him. So what I was taking my time to plan the wedding! I'm a busy woman, I've got a lot of shit to handle and choosing roses or lillies was not high on my list of priorities.

Doesn't mean he had to call the engagement off, via email no less.

I huffed, itching to get out of the meeting which had only started five minutes ago and was scheduled for forty more. I couldn't do it, "Kelly, consolidate this information and send it to everyone via email by the afternoon. We'll reschedule for next week once everyone has had a chance to look over the data and act accordingly." I said coolly, giving the man who looked absolutely shocked and dejected a nod before gathering my portfolio and exiting the meeting room.

"That was cold, Ms. Manning," Wayne let me know, walking quickly besides me, his steps annoyingly short causing his walk to look more like a skip.

I turned on my phone, "The only person paying attention was Kelly because he loves the sound of his own voice. He'll be alright. Confirm my jet this evening to Vegas and gather all the info on Amerson Co and Bailey Wright and have it ready before I depart." I told the man as we veered towards my office down the hall from the conference room.

Wayne saluted me, "Aye aye cap." He grinned, his curly goatee quivering on his chin as he saluted.

I shut my door with an eye roll.

A couple hours of me staring at my computer and getting no work done later, my office phone rang. I picked up, "How many times do I have to remind you to use the intercom, Wayne?"

"How many times have I told you to watch your tone?"

My lip curled, my eyes narrowing, "How many times do I have to remind you, I'm better than you?"

Janae laughed, a rather haughty and dignified laugh that reminded me of the many snooty wives I've had the misfortune of rubbing elbows with at events. Wives with characters and backgrounds that were a far cry from the humble beginnings of mine and my sister's. "How many times must I remind you that I am older and wiser and by default, much, much better than you, little sister?"

I snorted, my features relaxing as I fell back in my chair. "Hello booty-licker, what do I owe the pleasure?"

Janae was quiet for a moment, no doubt regretting yet again admitting to me, while completely sober, that's she's eaten ass. "I would threaten to kill you but I'm sure you're already dying inside."

My mood immediately took a turn for the worse, "I will hang up."

"We've gotta talk about it, Court. It's been a week and you've ignored my phone calls the whole time." She hissed.

"That was on purpose."

"Obviously, I had to bribe good old Wayne with some concert tickets to get him to put me through to you."

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