Chapter Forty-Nine ⚠️

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Miles remains in his car far enough away to not be noticed as he watches Isabelle get dropped off at her new preschool. Victoria smiles and waves at the teachers after a brief one-on-one discussion with them. Leaning his head back on the headrest, he licks his lips at the way her hips sway as she walks in those tall heels, her tight pencil skirt showing off her curves perfectly.

The sound of her voice every time she answered the phone was enough to get him off at night but when she stopped answering, no matter how many times he called, it only made him grow irritated at her ignoring him and resulted in him needing more from her.

Reaching beside him, he deeply inhales the scent of the blouse he stole from her new home the night he left the present for her on her kitchen island, needing to feel closer to her. Even her signature sweet yet sultry smell made his eyes flutter shut as memories flood back to him of his hands all over her body.

Keeping his distance and just being able to see her eased the emptiness in his heart where he felt she should be but as the days went on, the mere sight of her no longer held the same weight it used to. 

His hands shake as he watches her get into her car and start to drive away. He needed to be able to be near her, touch her, and she was making this so much more difficult than it fucking had to be!

The anger of seeing her with Taehyung while they moved into their new home together this past weekend made his breathing quicken and his heart feel like it was shredding. Seeing her kiss this other man right in front of his eyes made him feel as if she was slapping him in the face. As if she was willing to forget everything they had together for some idiotic ex-frat boy that she shouldn't even be wasting her time on! 

Taehyung had been her so-called best friend for so many years, if he loved her like she thinks he does then why did it take him so long to make a move? It was obvious she was Taehyung's last choice when Victoria had always been Miles's first choice. Even all of the girls he had experimented with never held a candle to the way he felt about Victoria but she's being too stupid and hard-headed to realize that!

She had always been one to easily manipulate and control. All it took before was a raise of his voice and a threat to make her do as he pleased whether it be not wanting her to wear a certain outfit or keep her from going to hang out with friends when he wanted her to stay home instead. What did she need friends for anyway if she had him?

Her car turns into her office's parking garage and he pulls off to the side of the road, parking along the alleyway instead. If only she had kept her word about making plans for him to meet Isabelle and therefore allowing him to be in her life, or if she hadn't lied to him about how she felt about him then he wouldn't have to do things the hard way...

But she was making her choice and he was growing more and more impatient with her games...


Pulling into my usual parking spot, I grab my purse out of the passenger seat and glance in the mirror to make sure my hair didn't get too tousled from the wind and quickly type out a text to Taehyung to let him know I made it to my building safely.

He had me promise a good five times this morning that I would let him know the moment I'm parked and then let him know once again when I'm safe inside of my office. I remember when my ex used to have me text him of my whereabouts almost every minute of the day or else there would be an extreme argument but this is much different. Control and genuine concern are not on the same playing field so I don't find myself dreading sending all of these texts to Tae.

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