Chapter Fourteen

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The snow has eased up enough for the roads to be adequate for travel without my anxiety peaking and ever since becoming a mom, that same anxiety only increases when my little one is in the car. Random children playing together could be seen in the courtyard outside of my sliding glass patio door as I take a break from packing my and Izzy's bags for the week ahead. Even though we're only traveling a little way out of town, I didn't want to risk leaving behind anything of importance.

My phone buzzed, forcing me to snap out of my daydream and finishing folding up a pair of her small jeans.

Gas is in the car and
I bought your and Izzy's
favorite snacks for the

Thank you
Will you two be
coming home soon?
It's almost time to

It was a welcomed surprise when Taehyung showed up out of nowhere asking if he could take Isabelle out for the morning so that I could get everything done that I needed to do before we hit the road around three o'clock. Apparently, he had been wanting to take her to an ice skating show for a little over a month anyway and figured that today would be a good day to do so. Only expecting them to be gone a couple of hours, I took my shower after cleaning up before getting started on packing, but they've been gone the whole morning and most of the afternoon. Not that I was in the least bit worried, Tae was always great at keeping me informed when he had her with him.

A knock on my door forces me to put the piles of folded-up clothes into the suitcase that's open in the middle of my living room floor just so that I could stand up. I adjust my oversized sweatshirt to make sure it covers my ass enough. Even though I have shorts on, I'm not one to display all of my goodies for the world to see.

"Who is it?" I call out on my way to the door.

"Me!" Izzy's little voice yells back and I hear the deep rumble of Taehyung's chuckle followed by him teaching her to say her name instead when knocking on a door, "Isabelle James!"

"Sorry, I don't know an Isabelle James." I giggle as I see her being held in Taehyung's arms through the peephole.

"Mommy!" She laughs resting her head on his shoulder.

When I open the door, Taehyung grins at me before his eyes trail down my outfit as he sets Izzy on the floor, "What do you have on? What if I was some stranger, Victoria? You shouldn't answer the door like that."

"Then I just wouldn't have opened the door?" I amusingly quirk my brow before l look down at my daughter, "Did you have fun this morning?"

"Yep! Tae Tae took me to see princesses skating!" She happily states while I help her out of her winter gear.

"Wow! I didn't realize that he knew real-life princesses!" I exclaim.

Frowning she puts her hands on her hips, "Mommy, he knows us."

Turning my head, I look up at Tae who just smiles with a shrug, "Well, she's not wrong."

"Go play for a bit and don't forget to pick out three toys you want to take with you. Don't worry, your favorite bear is already packed." I guide her in the direction of her room as I stand back up to finish packing our things.

"You're still not done? We're supposed to be on the road in an hour if we're going to get to your house by dinner and your mom already told me she was making my favorite." Taehyung huffs as he sits down to help me finish.

"Chicken parmigiana?" I question, already knowing the answer.

"Ever since my seventeenth birthday." His cheeks begin to noticeably redden, refusing to look at me, "We didn't get a chance to talk last night. How was your date?"

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