ENTRY 011 : quantum physics bs

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" Come on, I know a shortcut. "


heads up for a lot of made up bullcrap.

Every Sans has the ability to shortcut or teleport, a procedure that requires them to make a quick entry into the void and blip into certain coordinates from there. It's a pretty complicated procedure since the skeleton has to know just where to end up and such. It's similar to walking through a doorway into a room that has several more doorways leading to different locations and selecting the right doorway. So the ability to shortcut involves slipping OUTSIDE the realm of space and re-entering it again at the correct point. Sans does it a lot actually!

Then, every Papyrus has the ability to manipulate Stratum. It may look similar to teleportation, but it is not. The Papyri can fold layers or stratums of space space together and phase through them. So by FOLDING space, they can phase through walls, appear quicker at certain places and even walk in thin air! It's similar to folding a paper plate and making both ends meet. They do not step outside space, rather travel along it. In fact, by folding layers of space, they can also make unperceivable platforms that allow them to walk in air and even phase through walls. It's seen by Papyrus in the pacifist run and the annoying dog.

So which skeleton pulls off quantum physics BS?

Does it ALL.THE.TIME! : Vanilla, Lavender, Crimm, Blayze, Vinca, Pitch.

Not as much, but around a friend, they certainly will : Zure, Lyrrick, Mantilla, Grey.

Occassionally...they prefer walking : Drachen, Ginger.

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