ENTRY 10 : affection

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" I'm sorry, but you don't have to stop kissing me. "

Vanilla (UNDERTALE ! SANS) : 

❥ Feel free to smother him.

❥ Vanilla is a bit of a receiver and if you're ready to give him affection on a silver platter, then he's in heaven.

❥ He'll return it as well, but maybe with just as not vigor since he can be so lazy but boy will he enjoy this attention.

❥ PDA? He's okay with it just as long as it doesn't go too far.

❥ (Actually, this isn't him just being lazy, he's just a massive sub-).


❥ So you decided to challenge his affection-giving?

❥ Mantilla is pretty affectionate himself and if you ask for a hug, you might want to take a double take since he's probably already hugging you.

❥ Of course he'd love it when his s/o is being affectionate too; the two of you can be the gross totally in love couple out in public. 


❥ Okay, wait what...

❥ Crimm will be taken aback, maybe even reduced to a flustered mess if it persists but it's not like he's stopping you or anything.

❥ Well, he can be pretty passionate as well and when he get's his act back together, he'll try to play his flustered state off with arrogance or a really cocky like and return it as well...though his skull is still probably a bright red.


❥ This is...huh?!

❥ Well then, two can play at that game!

❥ While he may get a little awkward, Drachen is known to show off his relationship since he so goddamn in love with you (so why CAN'T he introduce you to every Tom, Dick and harry?) and he'll certainly take this as a pleasant surprise.

❥ Both of you could be that power couple giving lots of affection out in public.


❥ He'll be a little flustered then VERY smug.

❥ Stuff like this serves as a huge ego-boost for this guy so uh...go easy on him. You might also make him a little blushy.

❥ Being pretty affectionate himself, he'll probably be just as lovey-dovey with you (much to his brother's horror) and won't hesitate is kissing or cuddling you out in public.


❥ Like Vanilla, he's in the middle with PDA.

❥ Having an affectionate partner may catch him off guard, he will make sure to give them as much affection as they need.

❥ However, he may need a little space as well and veers towards hugs and nuzzles rather than kisses (he get's really shy with them) so when he wants it, it's best he's left alone for a while.

Pitch (SWAPFELL ! SANS) : 

❥ Wait what Don't kiss and nuzzle the skeleton in public!

❥ Pitch will not do well with PDA though he's fine with small cuddles, an occasional peck and hand holding (he still believes he doesn't deserve you).

❥ He won't chastise his s/o, but he'd rather any affection at this scale would stay within the privacy of his or your home.

❥ If the two of you are alone together, he'll most certainly return the affection with just as much passion.


❥ Oh please, PLEASE kiss and nuzzle the skeleton in public!

❥ Ginger LIVES for this kind of affection and will revel in it given the chance.

❥ He'll enjoy the special attention and will do what he can to do the same as well with plenty of kisses and nuzzles whenever he has the chance to offer them.

❥ Being a pretty affectionate person, it's not much of a surprise that he enjoys receiving some love as well, especially after the lonely isolation in the Underground.


❥ Another one who's caught off guard, Grey may take some time to register it the first time around but soon he'll associate himself with how affectionate you are.

❥ He'll purr a lot if he's offered affection and will enjoy the soft moments with you; he cares for you so much after all.

❥ Being pretty touch starved, he'll welcome forms of physical contact like this; he actually needs them to keep him grounded so he's not complaining.


❥ Unlike Mantilla, Lyrrick is a little low on PDA since he's pretty self conscious about his appearance.

❥ He may be a little jittery and nervous if you show him affection, especially if people are staring at him and may ask for a bit of space.

❥ Stars, it isn't you; he just doesn't want people to think badly of you because of him!

❥ In private, he's glad to return the affection, being touch starved like his brother and can be quite the hopeless romantic while at it.

Lavender (UNDERLUST ! SANS) :

❥ Lavender is still new to the concept of love and affection.

❥ Living in a place where lust was one of the only prevailing emotions, he can't really see the difference between love and lust until he experiences it himself.

❥ He'll certainly be taken aback and maybe even feel confused, but he'll happily accept it and give you just as much as well, just as long as both of you are comfortable.

❥ He is a little afraid to take it a little too far to a point where you aren't comfortable, so he'll be a little cautious.


❥ Affection? Lot's of affection? This is Vinca you're talking to!

❥ He's pretty affectionate and while he may feel a little shy and flustered at how upfront you are with this, but he can be just as lovey-dovey and will return it.

❥ If you're easily flustered, he'll be pretty pleased with your red face and will try to tease you a little more as 'payback' for making him a flustered, blushing mess.

❥ Vinca always wished for affection and he's glad to receive some from someone he loves so much.

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