🦅 Ep.14: The Stanchurian Candidate 🦅

Start from the beginning

Stan's face went pale at that, but everyone else was happily chanting. "Election!!! Election!!! Election!!!"

"Let the madness begin!!!" Blubs yelled as he And Durland shot a cannon through the wall, everyone in the Town Hall leaving.

We all stared in silence, when I finally turned to Stan. "Uh, Wrinkles? Quick question, what the hell are you doing?"

"Running for mayor! Did I-... Did I not make that clear?"

"You've lost your mind, Gramps." Leo replied with a serious expression.

Mabel let out an awkward chuckle. "Grunkle Stan, it's not that we think you can't do it, it's that-!"

"No no, it's okay, Mabel." Dipper waved a hand for her to stop, then glared at Stan. "We don't think you can do it."

"Look, kids, the mayor kicking the bucket got me thinking, I'm an old man and I'm not getting any younger. My dumb brother's research is probably gonna make him famous and what do I have to show for my life? Do I really want crooked grifter on my tombstone? How about crooked mayor?!"

"Psst, guys, let's talk." We all stepped farther away from Stan as Dipper called for us. "I know Stan isn't the best candidate."

"He's committing voter fraud as we speak." We all looked at Stan when Leo mentioned that, cringing a little.

Dipper quickly shook his head. "But Bud's definitely up to something and we're the only ones who can stop him."

"You're right, Dipper. Besides, Stan a has kind of charisma!" Mabel replied.

"Plus, everyone in this town is dumb as hell." I gave a small shrug. "How hard can getting him elected be?"


Outfit! :3I couldn't resist- Change it however you want, or just go with something completely different, it's cool

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Outfit! :3
I couldn't resist-
Change it however you want, or just go with something completely different, it's cool. U3U

And so, we all went back to the Mystery Shack which had many signs about voting for Stan and not voting for Bud. Wendy wrote Swines 4 Pines and Bud's a Dud on Waddles for him to run around spreading the word, And even gave Aiden a small blue mohawk, it was so adorable!

"Alright, everybody, eyes up here!" Dipper said as he came in with an old scroll, unrolling it. "Okay, Gravity Falls elections are based on two events. The Wednesday stump speech held on an actual... stump, and the Friday debate where in townsfolk throw birdseed at the candidate they like most. At the end they release a Freedom Eagle who will fly to the candidate covered in more seed and bestow a birdly kiss upon him anointing him mayor."

We all stared at him, hoping it was some prank, but he only rolled the scroll back up with a serious look. "I couldn't make this up even if I wanted to."

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