Part 24

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     When we got home it was late at night, time for bed.

"So, you heard Mr.Sharer, you each gotta sleep with someone who makes you feel safe," Darry said.

"I wanna sleep with Soda," Pony said, Soda nodded.

"Natalie?," Darry asked.I looked at Steve, he smiled.

"Can I sleep with Steve," I asked.

"Yes, if he's fine with staying here," Darry said, we all looked at Steve.

"Of course," he said.I smiled.We all said goodnight and went to our new rooms.Pony moved into Soda's room while me and Steve stayed in my room.When we were in our pjs, me and Steve slipped into bed.He put his arm around me and I cuddled into his chest.

"Goodnight babe," he said.

"Night, love you," I said.

"Love you too," Steve said.Soon after we fell asleep.

The next morning -

I had no bad dreams last night.I hoped this whole thing worked cause I never wanted to have that dream again.When I got out of bed Steve was still sleeping, so I walked into the kitchen were I found my other brothers except Pony.I sat at the table, Soda sat next to me.

"How did you sleep," he asked.

"Good, you?," I said.

"Okay...gotta get used to sharing a bed with Pony, he kicked me like 5 times," Soda said, rubbing his side, where i'm sure Pony kicked him.I laughed.

"Yeah, he does like to kick," I laughed.He smiled.Just then the rest of the gang walked in.

"HOWDY!!," Two Bit yelled.I sighed knowing he must have woke Steve and Pony up.Like I thought Steve walked out.He walked up to Two Bit and playfully slapped him, Two Bit laughed.

"Well hey there Steve, what are you doing here," Two Bit asked.

"I'm staying here for a while," Steve said, not wanting to give all our business away.I smiled at how sweet he was.

"Okay...," Two Bit said.He grabbed a beer and plopped on the couch.

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