Part 11

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Later that day -

     We all decided to go to the drive in together.When we got there we all took our seats.I sat on the end next to Steve.Next to Steve was Soda.Next to Soda was Pony, then Johnny, then Darry, then Dally, and Two-Bit.We were watching the movie when Cherry and Marcia walked in.I rolled my eyes as they sat in front of us.I knew they were just trying to aggravate me.I ignored them and focused back on the movie.They began talking extra loud, I could barely hear the movie.I knew everyone else was getting annoyed too.I groaned and kicked the back of Cherry's chair, and she shut up.After a minute or two of silence Cherry turned around and stared at me.

"May I help you," I asked, giving her a look.I wanted to kick her in the face right now.

"No," she said before turning back around.Giving Pony a little wave, Pony blushed.I thought he didn't like her anymore.Cherry started talking again, I couldn't take her shit anymore.

"Cherry will you shut the fuck up," I yelled causing her to turn around, some people were staring.

"Excuse me grease...did you say something," Cherry said through gritted teeth.
"Yeah I did...I said shut the fuck one wants to listen to your talking," I said angrily.

"Oh shut it thick thighs," she said as she flipped her hair and turned around.That's it!I stood up, Pony grabbed my arm but I yanked it away from him.I jumped into Cherrys row so I was standing in front of her.She looked scared...she should be.I punched her in the face 6 times, making her nose and mouth bleed.I went to kick her but Steve ran over to me and picked me up.He began pulling me away but Cherry stood up.She punched me in the face.I kicked her in the face and she fell to the ground.The gang and my brothers pulled me out of the drive in and to our house before the fuzz showed up.Steve let go of me once we were in the house.When Cherry punched me she hit me in my nose, so it was bleeding.Pony ran into the bathroom and grabbed wet washcloth for my nose.He ran back out and held it out for me to take.I shook my head, I got up and walked into the bathroom.I cleaned my nose up and walked back out.I sat on the couch and Soda pulled me into the hug.

"Dang kid...I'm proud of can really fight," Dally said as he took a drag of his weed.

"Uh no...that is nothing to be proud of," Darry said.Me and Dally rolled our eyes.

"I'm just glad she didn't hurt you as bad as you hurt her," Steve said, Soda broke the hug and I hugged Steve.

"Yeah...Natalie come here...I need to talk to you," Darry said.I sighed and followed him into the kitchen.

"Natalie, why did you have to start a fight with her," Darry asked.

"Because she is a bitch...she deserved to get her ass beat," I said.

"Don't use that language!And what if we didn't get you out of there before the fuzz showed!You would have been put in a girls home!," Darry yelled.

"SO WHAT DO I HAVE TO LET HER TREAT ME LIKE THAT!," I yelled before running to my room shutting the door.I sat on my bed and stared at the wall.This was unbelievable.Did Darry want me to deal with Cherrys shit.I heard a knock on the door, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Natalie...can I come in," I heard Darry say.

"No," I said.But he opened the door and walked in anyways.I sighed as he sat down on the bed next to me.

"I'm sorry...I just don't want you getting taken away from us," Darry said and I nodded.

"Yeah...I probably shouldn't have hit her...but she just gets me so mad," I said and Darry nodded.

"I know, but next time just don't start a fight, okay," Darry said and I nodded.Darry kissed me on the forehead before he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.I decided to go to bed now.It was 8:30 after all.

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