Part 23

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 The next day -

      We were getting into Darry's truck to go to the dream person or whatever it's called.Steve wanted to come, so it was me Soda Darry, Pony, and Steve in the car.When we pulled up to the place I began to get nervous.Steve grabbed my hand and we all walked in.

"The Curtis's," the woman said.We all stood up and followed her into a room where this man was sitting at his desk.

"Hi, you must be the Curits's...I'm Mr.Sharer," the man said smiling.We all smiled and sat down in front of him.

"So I guys have been having some horrible dreams," Mr.Sharer asked.We nodded. "Okay I wanna talk to each of you individually, is that okay,".We nodded.

"Natalie you go first," Darry said.I nodded.They left the room, leaving me with Mr.Sharer.

"So Natalie, I want you to tell me everything you remember from the dream," Mr.Sharer said.

"Well, i was in a room with Ponyboy....then my grandpa came and he sounded weird like evil almost...that's all remember, but all I know is it was the scariest thing i've ever seen," I said.Mr.Sharer wrote everything down.Me and Pony switched.Then we all went back into the room together.I sat next to Steve while we held hands.

"Okay your grandpa died, correct," Mr.Sharer said.

"Yes," Darry said.I started to silently cry.

"Well...these dreams are nothing I have ever seen before...I don't know what it is or how to fix it...but what I do recommend is sleeping with someone that makes you feel safe," Mr.Sharer said.We all nodded.

"Thank you," Darry said before we left.

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