Part 4

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     When I woke up the next morning and got dressed.We didn't have school today cause it was saturday, but I definitely wasn't gonna stay here, I am gonna go to my best friend Brookes house.I walked out of my room to find all my brothers in the living room.

"Natalie," Soda said, surprised standing up.I said nothing but just slipped on my shoes.

"Where are you going," Darry asked.

"Brookes, I will be home later tonight," I said as I grabbed my bag.I walked out the door.I was surprised they didn't try to stop me.While I was walking out the door Steve and Two-Bit were walking to our house.I looked at the ground as they walked over to me.

"Hey Natalie, were you going," Steve asked as he grabbed my shoulders to stop me.

"Brookes," I said before taking his hands off my shoulders and continued walking.

Two-Bits POV:

I felt bad for saying those things to Natalie last night, I said sorry but she doesn't forgive me.When she walked away from Steve like that I knew he was hurt.You could see it in his face, I knew he had a crush on Natalie, but I didn't know if she felt the same.

Natalies POV:

I stayed at Brookes until 6:30.When I got home the whole gang was there.I decided to at least say something to them, Brooke convinced me too.

Flashback - Brookes House

"Natalie, I know your upset, and I would be too...but you at least need to say something to don't have to forgive them, just say something...even a simple hi," Brooke said.Brooke was a very convincing person.

"Yeah you're right," I said smiling at her, she smiled back.Brooke was the best friend you could ask for.

End of flashback -

"Hi," Darry said.As I slipped my shoes off.

"Hey," I said, everyone looked at me, I even heard Pony gasp.I guess they were surprised I said anything.I shook my head and went to the kitchen.I was getting a glass of water when Darry walked in.

"Natalie, are you still mad," Darry asked, but quiet enough so nobody else could hear.

"Yeah," I said as I filled my cup.

"Okay...well you know we're sorry right," Darry said, I shrugged and walked into my room.I didn't lock the door I just shut it.I layed in my bed and opened a book.I read until 9:30.I shut the book and put it on my nightstand just as Pony walked in the room, to go to bed I'm guessing.

"Hey Nat, can I sleep in here tonight," Pony asked like it wasn't his room.I guess he was just asking because of last night.I nodded and he came in.He changed into his pajamas (I turned away so I wouldn't see) and then he slipped into bed next to me.

"Natalie I'm sorry, they sent me in last night cause they knew you would let me in...but we all are really sorry," Pony said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah...I know...I just need some know how I am...I don't get over things easily," I said as I turned so I was looking at Pony.

"Yeah...and by the way, I don't like Cherry anymore," Pony said.I nodded before I drifted off to sleep.

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