Part 12

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The next morning -

     When I woke up the house was quiet.Thats not a normal thing around here.I looked at the clock and it was 7am.My brothers were still sleeping.I slowly got out of bed.Being careful not to wake Pony.Then I fixed my hair a little and walked out into the living room were I decided to make breakfast.I made eggs, toast, and bacon.When my brothers got up they all sat at the table and began eating.When the rest of the gang walked in they each grabbed some food too.Steve walked up to me and kissed me.

"Thanks," he said, I nodded and smiled.I sat down at the table and began eating too...

2 months later -

School is officially over and it is summer!I can't wait to see what this summer has in store for me...

I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling.It was 8 in the morning, but I didn't want to get out of bed.It was summer and I know you're supposed to sleep in but I naturally got up early, and I couldn't fall back asleep.Darry and Soda were already gone for work, so it was just me and Pony at the house.Pony was sleeping soundly next to me.I groaned and got out of bed.I got ready and walked into the living room.I plopped on the couch with a yawn.I was too tired to do anything so I just sat on the couch and watched TV.After 1 hour of watching TV Pony walked out into the living room with messed up hair.

"Morning," he said as he rubbed his eyes and sat next to me.

"Morning," I said as I laughed.

"What are you laughing at," he asked.

"Your hair," I said as I laughed.Pony touched his hair and smiled before putting his head on my shoulder.

"What do ya want for breakfast," I asked.

"I don't know...uh...can you make eggs and toast," Pony said quietly.

"Yeah," I said before getting up and walking into the kitchen.I made our breakfast and put the plates of food on the table.Pony came over and sat across from me as we began eating.

"HELLO!!!!!," Two-Bit yelled as Steve and Johnny walked into the house.

"Don't slam the door," I said.But they slammed the door.I sighed and continued eating.Steve came and sat next to me.He kissed me on the forehead and took a piece of my toast.

"Where's the chocolate cake," Two-Bit asked as he looked over the table.

"There is none," Pony said and Two-Bit frowned as he grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat on the couch...and turned on mickey mouse.

"Hey babe you look tired," Steve said as he rubbed my back.

"Yeah...I'm just tired," I said and he nodded.

"What about you okay," Steve asked, talking to Pony.We all laughed.

"Yeah babe...I'm fine," Pony said and we laughed even harder.

"Where's Dal," I asked Johnny.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him today," Johnny said and I nodded.

"So what are we gonna do today," Two-Bit yelled from the living room.

"Well there's a new pool that opened up, and I doubt there will be anyone's on the greaser side of town and no socs go there...and most greasers don't swim like how about we go there," Pony suggested.
"Yeah, that sounds good," I said and everyone else nodded.After breakfast we packed a lunch and all go ready for swimming.Johnny Steve and Two went home to change.I put on a light blue swimsuit with black swim shorts.Pony had his usual red swim trunks on.When Steve Two, and Johnny came, Steve was wearing blue trunks, Johnny wore green trunks, and Two wore his mickey mouse ones.We all grabbed towels and loaded in Steve's car.There was 5 of us so they made me sit on the floor.I sat in between Pony and Johnny on the was very uncomfortable.Pony kept kicking me whenever we went over a bump but i knew he was using the bumps as excuse to kick me.Everytime he would kick me I would punch him in his thigh.

"Natalie!Stop hitting me!," Pony yelled after I punched him in the thigh.

"No!You kicked me!," I yelled back.Two-Bit groaned.

"Not on was a bump," Pony said.

"You're a liar," I yelled.

"Pony, Natalie!Stop!," Steve said and we shut up.I don't know why I went quiet, he was my boyfriend, not Darry.When we got to the pool we walked in and there was no one there but two life guards.We smiled and put our things down in the shade.Then we all jumped into the pool.The water was so refreshing.Me, Pony, and Johnny swam to the deep end leaving Two-Bit and Steve in the shallow.

"HEY!YOU GUYS CANT DITCH US!," Steve yelled as he swam as far as he could.

"Why not," I yelled back laughing.

"You know we can swim out there," Two yelled.Once I stopped laughing and swam over to them.Steve wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.I smiled up at him and kissed him.

"Hey Nat!Let's race," Pony said.Me and Steve broke the kiss and swam over to him.

"Lets see who can swim to the other end and back the fastest," Pony said and I nodded.We stayed on the wall and Steve yelled go.I swam as fast as I could to the other side and back.I beat Pony, but damn was I tired.

"God dammit were always the fastest swimmer out of all of us," Pony said as he swam over to me.I smiled.

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