Part 1

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     "Natalie!Hurry up!We're going to be late for school!," Pony yelled as he knocked on the door.I sighed and finished brushing my hair, then opened the door to see a half angry Ponyboy.

"Okay, calm down," I said as I walked past him and into the living room were I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my bag.Pony did the same and we started walking towards the door, but Soda and Darry stopped us.I crossed my arms and they crossed there arms.They each tapped there finger on there cheek, telling me they wanted a kiss.I stood on my tippy toes, cause I'm short, and kissed then each on the cheek.They each smiled and moved so we could walk out of the house.We began walking down the street and we met Johnny in front of his house, and he began walking with us.

"Hey Johnnycakes," I said, smiling at him.

"Hey," he said quietly.

"What did you do last night," Pony asked looking at Johnny.

"Nothing much...just went to the drive in with Dally," Johnny said, me and Pony nodded.When we walked in the school everyone immediately got quiet and looked at us.I didn't like it when all the attention was on me, so I froze.

"Thats the bitch that was talking shit about you Cherry," Cherry's best friend Marcia said pointing to us.I swallowed hard and looked over at Pony, he looked as nervous as I was.

"Oh wow....a greaser, talking shit about me...she must think she's better than me...while clearly she's not," Cherry said crossing her arms.

"Excuse me," I said, fed up with Cherry's bullshit.We never really liked each other, I know Pony had a crush on her or whatever, but me and her...we hate each other.

"You heard me grease," Cherry said as her and her friends walked over to us.

"Cherry, no one was talking shit about stop being such a stuck up bitch...get over one gives a shit about you," I said, I was getting mad now.

"Oh, shut the fuck up thick thighs," Cherry said rudely.I am more on the chuncky side, so I have always been worried about my weight, and it is a very sensative thing to me.So when people brought it up and said something rude about it, it hurt...a lot.I flipped her off before walking away.

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