Part 13

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     We left the pool and drove back to our house.I had to sit on the floor again...Pony kept kicking me and I kept hitting him.When we walked in the house Soda and Darry were both home.

"Where have you guys been," Soda asked.We had changed back into our normal clothes.

"We went to the new pool that just opened...we were the only ones there," I said as I slipped my shoes off.

"Oh didn't even invite me to come," Soda said, crossing his arms.

"Well you were at work and we didn't want to bother you," I said sitting down on the couch next to him.

"Mmmm," Soda said.Steve sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me.I smiled as we focused on the TV.The phone rang and Darry walked over to it, and answered it "Hello...yes...oh my god, how...oh god...okay thank you...yep, bye,".Darry hung up the phone and looked at us sadly.I looked at him concerned.

"Natalie, Pony, Soda, we need to talk," Darry said seriously.We nodded and followed him into his bedroom.We sat on the bed as he stood in front of us.

"Darry what's going on...are we in trouble," I ask, Darry shook his head as a tear slipped from his eyes.I knew something really bad happened now, cause Darry almost never cried, he didn't even cry when our parents died.

"Guys...uh...grandpa died, he had a heart attack," Darry said as he began crying.

"Oh my god...just like grandma did," I said as I began to cry.I looked over at Pony and Soda and seen they were crying too.My grandma died when Pony and I were 1...and our grandpa was very close with all of us.Especially when our parents died.We go and see him at least once a month.We were supposed to see him next weekend...but that wasn't going to happen now.Pony and I hugged each other as we cried.Soda joined the hug, and Darry did too.We sat there crying for awhile.Darry got up and controlled himself before walking out of the room and into the living room without a word.Soda stopped crying too and he walked back out into the living room.Me and Pony couldn't stop so we walked out into the living room while crying, and began slipping our shoes on.

"Guys, we heard what happened, we're sorry," Steve said and we nodded.

"Where are you going," Soda asked.

"We will be back soon," I said before running out the door, Pony following.

"NATALIE!PONY!," Steve yelled as he followed us out the front door but stopped on the porch.Me and Pony ran all the way to our grandpas house.He lived in Oklahoma but it was a little bit farther away from our house.When we got there we didn't dare go in.But we just walked around back and walked up in the woods.We sat in the spot that we always sat in with our grandpa.We sat there and cried.

"I can't believe he's gone," Pony said.

"I felt like just yesterday we were running thru the woods with him," I said and Pony nodded.We stayed there talking about memories for a while before we decided to walk home.When we got home we avoided everyone and went straight to our room.We layed in our bed, we both stayed awake because we couldn't sleep.

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