Chapter Seventeen

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"P-Please, please"

"Have mercy!"

"Mercy? For you? No, no, no." I chuckle, shaking my head. My vocals are bouncing off each wall in the abandoned warehouse.

The moonlight shines off the piece of shit's bloody face. His eyes are swollen shut, teeth scattered on the floor, his skin which once was a shade of olive, now is an array of blue's, purples, and reds. He is fucked up, to say the least.

"You are now fighting for the mercy of your family," I whisper sinisterly into his ear.

His eyebrows raise so high they meet his hairline. He is silent.

"Tick tock, tick tock,"

"Tick. Tock." I repeat, snapping my fingers and circling him.

"I-It was agents that work with the mayor. I know that because I recognized one of them. They came in and told me to say your father died of natural causes. They did not want me to run any test on his body. T-They gave me $20k and left. I-I haven't heard from them since." He confesses.

"So, you; a forensic pathologist, a medical doctor that swore an oath to the people. Lied!" My voice heightens, and I shake with rage.

When I returned home from the funeral, my uncle accused me of offing my father. He said he hired a coroner and had a private autopsy done on my father. He didn't believe this piece of shit's report saying my father died of natural causes. He was right but wrong about it being me. I would never hurt the ones I love. The autopsy said there were high amounts of rodenticide (rat poison) found in his bloodstream. He was poisoned, murdered.

I never wanted this lifestyle; that's why I ran 2,805.6 miles away and changed my last name. I wanted nothing to do with the "family business" I knew once my father passed that I would be next in line. I was planning on refusing and passing it down to my uncle or Stefano. But, now. Knowing what I know now, I want it. I want it all! I'm going to use every avenue my father's name reaches and hunt down the cowards that did this to him—starting with this pathetic excuse of a human being I have in front of me.

"I-I-I am sorry!" The scum cries.

"Sorry? Sorry for... your greed?! Sorry for failing at your job?! Or are you sorry for getting caught?!" I yell.

"Which sorry are you sorry for, doctor?" I ask, towering over the kneeled man.

I tap my gun on his forehead, and he quivers under the cold metal. Snot runs down his nose mixing with the blood-filled tears streaming from his eyes.

"Pathetic." I snarl.



One, clean shot to the head; I showed him mercy. I was planning on feeding him rat poison and watching him suffer, but I will save that for the mayor and his friends. His body flops to the floor with a loud echoing thud. I snap my fingers, and two of my men come and drag him away.

"Where to, boss?"  Phil asks, handing me a warm, wet towel to clean the blood and brains off myself.

"City hall. I need to pay the mayor a visit." I answer, wiping my face and hands.

"You know, his annual Gala is next week. I say we wait, attend the party and see who he is rubbing elbows with. This must go deeper than some meaningless mayor." He explains.

I ponder over the idea, and I am satisfied. Phil is right. I need to play this smart and keep my emotions in check. There's something bigger going on here, and I'm going to kill all involved!

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