Chapter 1

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"Come on brother!" I exclaimed. "You must be faster than that if you wish to defeat me"

My brother, Loki, was chasing after me through the fields of Asgard. Suddenly he appeared standing directly in front of me. "Sister. It amazes me that you doubt my abilities"

"Loki, that's no fair we agreed on no magic." I pouted.

"And did you truly expect me to follow the rules?" My brother was always known for being a bit mischievous. "Would you like to visit Midgard?"

"Father won't be happy about that" I was much more cautious than my brother. He was very adventurous but not always in a good way.

"If he wouldn't allow it neither would Heimdall. Let's ask Thor if he wishes to join us!"

We ran back towards the palace. "Thor! Come, let's explore Midgard!" I shouted as soon as I saw my oldest brother. 

"Y/n what will we do there that we cannot do here" Thor replied. 

"It'll be an adventure! Midgard is a new and mysterious land to us. We can run and play, perhaps meet some Midgardians!" I shouted happily. Yes he's right we could've just had fun here at home, but there will be new land for us to explore and have adventures in. I knew my brother couldn't resist that.

"Alright Y/n let's go" he obliged.

My older brothers and I ran across the Bifrost bridge to meet with Heimdall. When we reached him Thor spoke, as the eldest, he was always seen as the most responsible. "Heimdall send us to Midgard, please. We wish to explore."

"Sorry little ones, I cannot send you to Midgard. Order of the Allfather commands that I send you an escort directly to him." Heimdall explained. Busted. I knew father wouldn't have been happy with it. I should have gone with my guy and told my brother no. Some guards walked out and brought us back to the palace in front of our father's throne where he sat awaiting our arrival.

"Leave us" my father commanded as the guards left. "My children, what is this fascination of yours with Midgard?" My father was probably very tired of us consistently asking him about Midgard. Especially myself, I would always steal books about life there and what the habitat there is like but never got the opportunity to go. Granted yes we should have asked father first.

"I told you so" I whispered to my troublesome brother.

"Granted we're not yet in trouble" Loki replied. His grin on his face had always made me happy. Loki and I had always been very close. Thor always mocked saying he was devoted to me as I was the only thing that ever kept him from trouble. While yes Loki may have been very devoted to me, his little sister, I did not mind it. We had fun together and understood each other well.

"Father in our defense we were only planning to visit Midgard to run and play, adventure a new and unfamiliar land. We are your children after all, do you truly expect us not to explore?" Thor always had a way with words, especially with father.

"You speak so quick. It isn't wise to defend before you've had any punishment." Our father, Odin, explained. "There is no trouble at all with wishing to explore some new land. I understand being adventurous. My request is simply that you wait until you're older. Once you're old enough to defend yourself I will allow you to visit Midgard. You're excused now. I have some things to discuss with the guards." And with that, he left as my brothers and I walked out.

"Do not fret sister, we will visit Midgard one day." Loki said to me.

"Yes and a glorious adventure it will be. The three of us side by side, exploring the land of Midgard." Thor proclaimed as he pulled both of us in under his arms.

"Thank you, brothers. We should start our combat training immediately, so that we may visit it sooner!" I requested.

"Y/n, father said when we're old enough," Thor began. "Not when we're trained enough."

"Brother I am aware of what father had said," I groaned. "However I believe that if we are all well trained he will let all three of us go as soon as you are the age he wishes us to be."

We arrived in our palace training field and I grabbed the daggers. "Knife play sister?" Loki questioned. "Don't you believe that may be a bit dangerous for you?"

I looked at him with a stern face. I lifted the dagger into the air and swiftly threw it toward our targets. I looked after and seen that I had nailed the target. "In the words of someone very dear," I smirked, "it amazes me that you doubt my abilities."

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