Chapter 28

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When you and Hermione reach your dormitory, you both collapse on Hermione's bed. You hold each other tight, your hearts still beating wildly.

"Thank God for Snape coming in when he did," says Hermione. "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine," you say. "Just tired."

"Yeah, me too," Hermione says, as her eyes glance over to your bed. "You know, I got used to having you sleeping next to me over the last week. It's going to be weird sleeping on my own again."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," you say. "Although, your bed is big enough to fit both of us...."

Hermione gasps. "But what will people think," she says.

"I'm sure they would already be thinking it," you say, and lean in to give Hermione a kiss on the lips.

As the kiss grows, you feel Hermione's arms wrap around you and pull you in closer to her.

The door opens behind you and Ginny walks in. "Urgh, get a room you two," she giggles. You and Hermione stop kissing and pull back from each other.

"Ginny, are you okay?" Hermione asks. "What happened after we were taken away?"

"Not much," Ginny says, "Umbridge took everyone's names and we all have to report to the Great hall tomorrow for detention."

"Come on, let's just go to sleep," you say. "We can worry about it in the morning."

"Okay," says Hermione, and she gives your hand a squeeze.

You, Hermione, and Ginny, all get changed into your nighties. You look back and forth between your bed and Hermione's while trying to decide where to sleep. Then you dive into Hermione's bed with a grin. Hermione rolls her eyes at you, then smiles and pulls you in for a cuddle.

You worry that you will not be able to get to sleep as you are anxious about the detention in the morning. But cuddling up with Hermione feels so warm and relaxing that you are soon in a peaceful sleep.

The next morning you get dressed and head down to the Great hall with Hermione and Ginny. When you get close, you can see loads of children gathered around where another notice has been put up on the wall. As you get closer through the crowds, you see that it proclaims Professor Umbridge has been made headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Oh crap," says Ginny.

Hermione raises an eyebrow. "But yes, I agree, that doesn't sound good," she says.

"So what happened to Dumbledore?" Ginny asks.

"He probably escaped or something," you say, seeming to remember from the books something about Fawkes swooping in to help him escape.

"Well I hope Dumbledore is ok," says Ginny.

"Yeah, I'm sure he's fine," you say.

Reluctantly, the three of you carry on walking into the Great hall. When you get in, you see Harry and Ron with the rest of the members of Dumbledore's Army. There are loads of desks laid out, and everyone is sat at a desk waiting. You quickly come in and take a seat at one of the empty desks. There is a parchment and quill laid out on the desk, but you can't see an ink pot.

Professor Umbridge is sat on a chair at the front of the hall with a cup of tea. When she sees that everyone has arrived, she puts down her teacup and stands up.

"Now, it seems that all of you have trouble remembering to follow the rules," she says in her annoying high-pitched voice. "So I want you to pick up you quills and write the line 'I will not break rules'. And keep writing until you have learned your lesson."

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