Chapter 25

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When you wake up the next morning you can feel Hermione behind you, her arms wrapped around you and spooning you. You try to roll over and look at her, but Hermione's grip tightens on you.

"Mmmm, not yet," Hermione yawns.

"You're normally out of bed long before I wake up," you say with a grin.

"I know, I just don't normally feel this comfortable," Hermione yawns. "I could stay like this for hours."

"Yeah, me too," you say. "But I think they'll be expecting us for breakfast.

"Awww, just a few more minutes," Hermione pouts.

You snuggle back into Hermione, and you feel her nestle onto the crook of your neck. You feel the warmth shared between both of your naked bodies. You find that Hermione was right, this is really comfortable. You feel like you would like to stay like this forever, but then your bladder starts to disagree.

"Sorry, I need a wee," you say as you move Hermione's arm.

"Okay, but hurry back," Hermione pouts.

You slip out from under the covers and grab a dressing gown from the back of the door to cover your nakedness.

When you return, you see Hermione sat up on the edge of the bed. She is looking around the room and scowling. Your clothes from the day before are still all scattered throughout the room.

"You're very messy," she says. "We don't have all the house elves here."

"What do you mean?" you ask as you take off the dressing gown and drop it on the floor before sitting on the bed next to Hermione.

"I mean when we are back at Hogwarts and you always do the same thing and just throw your dirty clothes all over the place," she says. "Do you ever think about how they get cleaned up?"

"I don't know," you say. "Magic or something probably."

"Well it's not," Hermione says. "It's the house elves. They come round the dormitories and tidy up everything."

"Oh, right. I didn't really think about it," you say.

"Most people don't, that's why I started S.P.E.W." says Hermione.

"Oh yeah, I remember, that house elf rights thing," you say. "Yeah, I, urmmm, heard some of the others mention it."

"Well, we should probably go for breakfast now," says Hermione. "But when we are back at Hogwarts I'll explain everything."

"Okay, sorry," you say, then give Hermione a quick kiss on the cheek.

Hermione smiles at you, then she grabs her bag and digs out some clean underwear to put on.

"Wait," you say as the realisation hits you. "When you say there's no house elves here, does that mean our clothes don't just get cleaned for us every night?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?" Hermione says as she looks at you and raises her eyebrow.

"Err, I didn't pack any clean underwear," you say. "I kinda just assumed it would be clean again in the morning."

"Urgh, y/n," says Hermione and rolls her eyes at you.

You grab your dirty panties off the floor and inspect them closely to decide exactly how dirty they are.

"Here, you can borrow some of mine," says Hermione, as she takes a clean pair of panties out of her bag and throws them at your head.

"Thanks, babe," you say sheepishly as you slide the panties up over your hips.

Soon you and Hermione are both dressed and heading down the stairs towards the kitchen. When you go into the kitchen, you see Harry and Ron sitting at the table, but something is odd. Harry starts blushing uncomfortably when he sees you, and Ron starts smirking.

"What's going on with you two?" Hermione asks.

Harry squirms and Ron grins at the question.

"We were going to ask you the same thing," Ron says smirking.

"What do you mean?" says Hermione.

"Well, err, it's just that, umm..." Harry struggles to find the right words. "That is to say... err...the thing is... it's the walls in this house. They're kind of thin..."

You and Hermione turn and stare at each other with wide eyes and start to turn bright red when you realise what he is trying to say. Harry and Ron must have heard what you were doing last night.

"It's fine," Harry blurts out a little loudly. "Err, I mean, it's not a problem. It was just, erm, unexpected."

"Yeah, bloody unexpected is right," adds Ron. "How long have you been keeping that a secret?"

"Oh, well we weren't keeping anything a secret really," says Hermione uncomfortably. "It just sort of only happened last night."

Harry stumbles to his feet. "Oh, I'm sorry Hermione, I'm sorry y/n," says Harry. "We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Yeah, sorry," says Ron looking sheepish.

"No, it's okay," you say. "We would have told you, it's just that we didn't know ourselves until last night."

"Yeah," says Hermione as she clasps your hand in her's. "But I guess now we can tell you. Me and y/n are dating."

"Ah, that's great, Hermione," says Harry.

"Yeah, I'm happy for both of you," says Ron.

Then Harry and Ron walk around the table to where you and Hermione are standing, and the four of you fall into each others arms for a big group hug.
After a while you all break apart and stand smiling at each other.

"Come and sit down you two," says Harry, and he ushers you and Hermione to the table. "I'll make some more toast and eggs for you."

"Yeah, and I'll put the kettle on," says Ron.

You sit down at the table and Hermione stands looking at the boys.

"Why are you being so helpful?" she asks.

"Mum had to go to St Mungo's to get some more potions for my dad," says Ron. "Ordered me and Harry to make the breakfast before she left."

"Ah, now it makes sense," Hermione says with a grin.

"How do you like your eggs?" Harry asks. "I can do soft boiled or, umm, raw?"

"Soft boiled is fine," you giggle.

Soon you are tucking in to a nutritious breakfast of runny eggs and slightly burnt toast, all washed down with warm tea. You are just finishing eating when Ginny and the twins come into the kitchen for their breakfast.

"Hey guys, eggs and toast for breakfast okay?" Harry says.

"Harry, it's fine. We'll make it," Hermione says, and she motions at you to come join her at the stove.

The two of you start cooking up some proper food for breakfast.

"So you two are dating then," asks Fred.

You and Hermione spin round.

"How do you know?" you ask.

George holds up a flesh coloured piece of string. "Extendable ears," he says. "Me and Fred invented them. We were testing them out this morning and accidentally overheard you."

"Well, yes. Me and y/n are together," says Hermione.

"It's great," says George.

"Yeah, you look good together," says Fred.

"Yeah," you say, "we do," and you give Hermione a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Awww, so sweet," says Ginny.

After everyone has finished eating, Hermione makes you help her wash all the dishes. Once everything is tidied away you both head to the front room and collapse on the sofa with the others.

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