Chapter 22

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When you and Hermione leave the Great hall, you go past where all the signs have been put up about the new rules. Hermione points at one advertising the Inquisitorial Squad.

"Have you seen this," she says. "Malfoy has joined, along with half of Slytherin."

"Yeah, sounds like something he would be interested in," you say.

"Yes," says Hermione. "And gives us another reason to avoid him."

"Mmmm," you say indifferently. You are not sure if you do want to avoid Draco.

"So what lesson do you have first period?" Hermione asks.

"Err, muggle studies," you say.

"Okay, I'm going in the other direction, but I'll see you next period for charms."

"Yeah, okay," you say.

Hermione gives a quick look around to see if anyone is watching, then leans forward and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Bye," she says, then heads off up the stairs.

You smile as you watch her climbing the stairs for a moment, then you turn and start walking towards your lesson.

As you head along the corridor you pass an open door. Suddenly, from the other side, Draco emerges from the shadows.

"Mudblood," he says with a sneer.

You gasp in surprise. "Dra.... err..... Malfoy," you say nervously.

"Hello again, mudblood," he says with a malevolent grin. "We've been looking for you."

Crabbe and Goyle appear from nowhere and grab both your arms, and hold them tightly.

"Take her in there," Draco says, pointing at the open door.

Crabbe and Goyle pull you roughly into the room. Draco enters behind you and locks the door. Then he comes and stands in front of you.

"I see you managed to escape my ropes," he says with a smirk. "It's funny, as soon as I left I remembered the severing charm."

Crabbe and Goyle laugh at their boss's joke. Draco pulls out his wand and points it at your face. Then as the tip touches your cheek he starts to move it down. He traces a path down your neck, along your collar bone, around your breast, and finally down to your belly.

"You know, that charm cuts more than just rope," he says with an evil grin. Then he takes a step back and cries, "Diffindo."

You suddenly feel all your clothes cut from your body. They slowly fall, piece by piece, until you are stood completely naked. Draco stares at you with one of his smirks, while the other two just laugh cruelly.

"Now then, down to business," Draco says. "We have been told that you are a member of a secret organisation."

You struggle and try to cover up your nakedness, but Crabbe and Goyle are holding your arms too tightly and you are unable to move.

"As members of the Inquisitorial Squad, we are given certain powers to  question people and find out about any illicit activities," says Draco grinning.

"Please, I don't know what you are talking about," you say.

"It's a shame, but I don't believe you," says Draco. "I think I might have to torture you somehow to get you to tell the truth."

Draco steps forward and puts a hand around your throat, then he starts squeezing until you begin to struggle breathing.

"It's okay, you don't have to start talking yet," he says menacingly.

Draco keeps holding your throat with one hand while he uses the other to unbutton his trousers. His hard penis springs out and pokes you in the belly.

"I hope you don't mind the company," Draco says, motioning towards the two holding your arms. "And who knows, maybe they'll join in after I've finished."

Crabbe and Goyle laugh excitedly beside you.

"It's okay, you can let her go now," says Draco. " Just go and stand over there."

You feel your arms being released, then the two of them go and stand closer to the door.

Draco lifts you up with one hand still on your throat and the other on your thigh. You are momentarily impressed by his strength, and then he sits you on the edge of a desk. As he does he spreads your legs around him, and you can feel the tip of his penis touching your entrance. He grips your throat tighter making you gasp, then pushes his penis forward to enter you fully. He moans with pleasure, then starts thrusting into you.

You look over Draco's shoulder and can see Crabbe and Goyle. They have both dropped their trousers and are stroking their penises. They are a lot smaller than Draco's, and a lot more hair down there. Draco stops thrusting and turns round to look at what you are staring at.

"Urgh," he says in disgust. "That's not something I ever wanted to see. Just get out, both of you!"

Crabbe and Goyle sheepishly stuff their hard penises back in their underwear, then open the door and leave. They lock the door again and then stand guard outside.

"Urgh, damn it, they've distracted me now," Draco says. He pulls out from you, and you can see his penis has started to go soft. "You need to make me hard again."

"What, but, I don't know how," you say.

"Fine, I'll do it myself," Draco snaps angrily.

Draco suddenly puts both his hands around your throat and squeezes hard. You are unable to breathe, and start trying to claw at his hands to get him to release you. It doesn't work and you feel yourself starting to feel faint. Just as you are about to pass out, Draco releases you. Your head drops forward as you gasp for breath, and you see Draco's penis is fully hard again.

"That's better," he says, and he thrusts forward forcefully.

As you struggle to breathe properly again and you feel slightly faint, you feel your climax getting close. You wrap your arms and legs around Draco and pull him closer. You run your fingers through his hair and your orgasm hits.

"Oohhhh," you moan.

The sound of your orgasm is enough to help Draco and he cums too, deep inside you.

You both pause for a moment in your embrace until Draco has got his breath back. He steps back and puts his clothes back on while you are still feeling weak and unable to move.  As Draco turns to leave the room he catches sight of himself in a mirror. He turns back to you with a look of anger.

"You messed up my hair, you filthy mudblood" he spits furiously, then steps forward and slaps you hard across the face.

You shriek in pain and fall backwards off the desk. Draco storms out the room, leaving you as a crumpled heap on the floor.

Eventually your breathing is back to normal and you feel strong enough to stand up. You walk over to where your clothes are in a pile on the floor. When you try to pick them up, you find that your clothes are all cut up into stripes. You keep checking and find that just your robes are intact, but everything else, including your underwear, is unusable.

You are sure there was a way to repair your clothes, but without your charms textbook you have no idea how. Instead you try to just wrap your robes around yourself and hope you are covered enough. Then you pick up the rest of your tattered clothes and try and sneak your way back to the Gryffindor common room without anyone spotting you.

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