Chapter 8 Reasons

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Third person's POV

They both headed towards the road where they use to hang out. Both were worried about their changing feelings.

But how will they confess?

How will they apologise and forgive each other? These were the only questions rounding in their minds.

Arjun stopped the car and they both got out side by side.

"So...first you say." Arjun said hesitantly ruffling his hair from back of his head.

"No you say." She said looking sideways avoiding his lusty eyes.

" know what, lets accuse each other and then we can figure out know.."


She is already completing his sentences...making him more drawn towards her.

" you start Arjun."

She speaking his name was enough to turn him on.

"Fine.... you left me without even telling me or even meeting me."

She heard his accusition silently avoiding his addictive eyes. She huffed and spoke calmly.

"Because you pushed me away and said never to bother you again."

Arjun glanced at her in suspesion. He doesn't remember he said anything like that to her.

"Meera when did I ever say that to you?"

She nodded her neck in negative.

"You didn't... Nina aunty said that to me..."

"When?" His voice was demanding.

"Remember your parents funeral?"

How could he forget that unfortunate day? That was the day three of the most important people left him....his parents and Meera.

" what? Wait you could've talked to me! Why would I push the only person I was left with!"

He screamed at her making her flinch.

Fuck...he screwed up again.

"I came back...but I couldn't reach you because..."

She said with all the courage she was left with....well they both partially were responsible for their mess.

"Because...when Nina aunty told me about you I protested to meet you but she denied and insulted me. And then...Neev threw me out of your house then forcefully."

Arjun's blood boiled hearing that...he couldn't tolerate that dick to even see her.

He pulled his hair in frustration.

"But if I left you... atleast you could've contact me Arjun! Why didn't you do that!"

Meera demanded in loud voice which was on the verge of breaking.

"Because all the phones were down that day and Nina aunty told me that you can't grief with me anymore so you're going....fuck!"

He realised it was all Nina aunty's plan to separate them.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

Both said together and laughed at each other in forgiveness.

That's what being best friends means.


He asked giving his hand to shake.

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