Chapter Twenty-seven [FINALE]

Start from the beginning

"I love you..."

(Unfortunately, that was the happy ending to this story, I was really struggling with what to write so I'm sorry if it's not good - when I edit the story I'll probably come back and rewrite the finale. However, this isn't the end; if you wanted the tragic ending then read ahead. It is a continuation of the happy ending but of course you can stop reading here if that's what you'd like. Honestly, I'm better at writing sad scenes so this next part is better and you may want to grab a tissue or two.)

TW: blood, injury, death, mentions of enjoying pain and in some way suicide.

Yoongi and I travelled down a corridor on our way back from a run. We'd managed to salvage some bottles of water and even a box of granola bars that were yet to go past their sell-by date. A noise echoed through one of the corridors to the left, not on mine and Yoongi's route back to our shelter.

"We should check that out," Yoongi states before turning down the corridor.

"Okay," I hesitantly replied as we both steered from the path.

This corridor felt familiar but in an unusual way and only then did the flashbacks run back to me. We passed a few open classrooms until I stopped in my place as I remembered walking down this same hallway months ago only moments after disaster. Moments after I lost two friends. A traitor and a best friend.

My thoughts were disrupted by one loud shout breaking the silence.

"Y/N! BEHIND YOU!" Yoongi shouted.

Before I even had time to turn around, Yoongi had ran at me and hugged me tight as he turned us around so I was facing the other way and his back was covering whatever had been behind me only moments ago. He grunted in pain and I looked to the side only to see his shoulder with deep red blood rushing out of a fresh wound on his right shoulder... and a walker with messy red hair digging it's teeth into his clothed skin like a hungry lion feeds on it's prey.

The walker wasn't just any walker, it was someone who I believed to be dead. Jung Hoseok. He was alive. Except he wasn't, he wasn't himself.

I reached down to my pocket and pulled out a large knife where I raised it up to the walker and shoved it deep into the skull of the monster. As I ripped the knife from the walker's now limp head, I started to notice how Yoongi's firm hug was loosening on me and he started to become to weak to stand.

Gently, I lay him down on the ground a few metres away from Hoseok's now fully dead body and kneeled down beside him. With shaking hands, I tried to put pressure on the fresh wound but I knew that it wasn't going to work. Delaying the inevitable is impossible. Tears of distress streamed down my face as I knew I was about to lose the closest person to me. It was all my fault, and I don't know if I can lose someone else I love and continue to live on after it.

"Thank you," I cried out.

Yoongi's body twitched in some spaces and I started to see the veins darkening under his skin.

"You're welcome," he whispers breatily as he locks eyes with me.

His eyes were as beautiful as they had been before, they were a deep brown. Except this time as I gazed into them I could see the colour disappearing from them, and his life slowly started to drip away.

"I'm s-" his breath gets caught in his throat as he tries to speak, "I'm scared Y/n."

"Shhh, don't be scared. Look I'm here with you, and when you go you're going to be a star in the sky and I'll look up at you every single night. You'll be able to watch down on Namjoon and Jin. You will be with Hoseok again and you will be happy, in a zombie free world," I rant as I held back any sobs, trying to seem calm so that he doesn't get more scared.

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