please don't go...

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Max was unable to fight back, his body was weak, and he could barely move his face while his hands and feet still unable to move. Scared and anxious, he didn't know what he was supposed to do. Tul couldn't escape from Foei's hands, the one he trusted all his life and never imagined that he could hurt him or the person he loved, he always thought of him as his best friend but ended up being the worst enemy he ever had. he was hopelessly yelling until his man got killed by his only brother. Cho and Foei had laughed so hard and left the place, while Tul ran towards his man, kneeled on the floor next to him, held him in his arms. He didn't know what to do nor how did it come to this.

"Max... please don't leave me, Max" he uttered and hugged him tightly "Max please don't go, I can't stay here without you..." his mind was empty, chest burned like there was a hell right inside of it.

He couldn't breathe normally. It's all my fault, he thought, if he hadn't brought him to the ellipsism forest and left him alone there on the rock, things wouldn't have come to this, his man wouldn't have been killed by his brother and the person he used to trust with his life.

"Max..." he said again and tears wouldn't stop falling.

Suddenly the cage where Yihwa was trapped in disappeared and she flew right away towards the two of them. "My heart never lied about this, but this can't be the end, right?" she said looking at Max

Max laid on the ground, unmoving with Tul burring his head in Max's chest but not hearing the beautiful melodic heartbeat that once was.

"MAX! MAX! WHERE IS MY SON!" A few moments later, mom Elfattapol entered the room with the fairies and MD following her right behind her.

Once she saw her son who had already given up, she stood shocked, staring at him and ran to him, took him in her arms while her tears wouldn't stop falling "This has happened again... my son is gone... MD your brother is gone..."

"What are you talking about mom? Explain... you've been repeating this same sentence since forever..." MD said, his eyes were filled with tears.

"I'm sorry..." Tul said, head down and eyes all red with black smoke surrounding him. "I couldn't protect him well... it's all my fault." He added

"It's not your fault Tul" Md said and leaned towards him pulling him into a warm hug.

"You asked me to explain..." mom said as she wiped her tears and asked them to sit next to her.

A hundred years ago, there was an elf from the Serendipity kingdom called Singto who fell in love with Krist, a vampire from the Ellipsism kingdom since they were children. They lived happily every day, played together all the time in the forests, they grew up together loving each other more and more with time. They kept their love a secret from everyone. The river was their favorite place to escape from everyone else as their parents wouldn't find them there. Until one day, Krist's father found out about them and kidnapped Singto, then killed him... there was a secret heart shaped rock that a gorgeous purple unicorn called Earth had given him during the time that he was searching for him. It had been the only way to save his loved one.

Purity had been the only key to make this rock's magic work and save that elf. But, Krist was blind sighted by revenge and killed his father which stopped the rock's magic and he couldn't save his man anymore... it was said that Krist left the kingdom to somewhere unknown and nobody knew anything about him after that day. The elf family worried about him a lot and searched for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be found until the present day. That's why both the kingdoms were never friends anymore and both were prohibited to enter the different colored kingdom.

"And that elf was my older brother..." she finished and let out a sorrowful sigh as she gently caressed Max's forehead.

"I hate this kingdom so much!" Tul yelled and stood up furiously.

"Where are you going Tul?!" Yihwa said fast and pulled his pinky finger to stop him from leaving "Can someone help me here, I'm small!" all the other fairies flew towards him to help Yihwa make Tul sit down again.

"You sit down here dear crazy vampire" Sammy said and softly pat his head.

"Didn't you hear what mom said just now?" Mint said and her hands were placed on her hips and showing him an angry cute face. She was too small, the smallest between the other fairies and her angry face was making her look way too adorable.

"Yeah, she said revenge made Krist unable to save Singto... do you know what that means?" pretty Mai added and sat on his knee.

"But he is already dead, nothing's going to bring him back now... I cannot do anything about it anymore" Tul replied to them and tried to stand up again, but the beautiful ladies pushed him back to sit down and calm down.

"Can you shut up for a second and stop trying to go?! I'm tired of pushing you there, YOU'RE SO HEAVY I AM SO SMALL HERE!!! Understand my poor feelings..." Jeed yelled at Tul.

"Okay..." Tul replied to her and looked at Max next to him "My baby..."

"If we think about it, there's a rock that we must find, no?" Mint said while flying around them.

"I guess so... oh! Girls, give me a second" Yihwa flew around searching and counting the fairies. "Where is Jane?" she asked confused "didn't she come with you?"

"I forgot to say this... I was flying around the Ellispsim forest and found Cho holding Jane, but she wasn't awake, she didn't seem alive and he was going somewhere near this place we're in now... I didn't know where he took her... I was following them when Sammy suddenly pulled me to go with her..." Jeed said and hit Sammy's forehead. "Stupid"

"OH NO!" yihwa yelled.

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