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"Why does he always disappear whenever he talks about this flower?!" angered Tul started jumping and stomping the ground under his feet. "What kind of torture is this?!" he looked at the rose in his hand, please tell me where he is he thought. His little flower started jumping and showed him a little screen, showing Max's hopeless, exhausted and sorrowful face, his eyes closed as he had no strength to open them.

"MAX!!" frightened Tul shouted.

At that time, Max could hear someone yelling his name, he knew the voice and had been waiting to hear it for a long time. A little feeling of hope made him smile slightly; but alas it was such a weak smile... a smile of an exhausted soul, he couldn't speak or move his body that was tied to the chair with the paralyzing rope, feeling so much pain all at once... he wanted to escape, to ask Tul to take him out of there because he wasn't okay at all. He just wanted to be there with him, hug him, feel him beside him but he couldn't say anything but let out a little "Hmm..." out of his weary lips.

"Max! Max please don't give up! Be okay! I promise I will find you soon... can you tell me where you are? Describe the place to me!" Tul was speaking quickly, worried and anxious about his lover.

"I..." he couldn't speak and a cold tear slipped on his soft skin "Dark..." he said exhausted.

Dark? Tul thought, all the Ellipsism kingdom is dark which made him even more confused. He asked the flower to help him more find the way to him so a bright blue light that only he can ever see showed up on the mountain behind their castle's hill.

Tul ran to yihwa asking her to go with him to find Max since she knows the way up to that mountain very well. She brought her little wand and wore a little jacket as she remembered that the mountain there is really cold at this time of the year.

"girls" she called the other fairies "Sammy, Mai please go talk to Max's family about what happened, they must be so worried where their son has gone... It's been days. Fai and Mint you know the mission I've told you about yesterday please, be careful. I'm leaving with Tul for now." she added and flew away leading Tul to the place.

"We have to go talk to Elfattapol family?" Sammy asked feeling kind of worried.

"I guess we should, they should know" Mai replied and held Sammy's hand as she flew towards the Castle.

A weird silence and sadness reigned over the Beautiful White kingdom. The white color isn't as white and bright as it used to be, something felt different. Since the day Max disappeared everything has changed. The flowers weren't singing anymore, the trees weren't smiling nor shining as they used to before, dudus were always sleeping and not playing around with the other elves, the elves of the kingdom all seemed down and exhausted.

Downhearted Madame Elfattapol was sitting in Max's room holding his little plush, where are you, my son? She thought, her eyes looking at the plush in her hands as tears started falling.

"Mom... We couldn't find him anywhere. All the elves searched everywhere inside Serendipity Forest but he's nowhere to be found..." Max's brother MD said, his eyes not leaving the ground a second. At that moment, they both turned to the window as they heard a small sound of a ringing bell outside the window of Max's room.

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