The Deceased

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Albus stepped forward and cleared his throat, getting everybody's attention.  They all looked over at him, and he began to speak.

"Um, just so you know, during that attack at Hogwarts, Uncle Bill you are attacked by Greyback," Albus hesitated a bit, "It's not a full moon, so you aren't a full werewolf, but you do get scratched up pretty badly, and you like to eat your meat pretty raw."

Mrs. Weasley had turned white at the news that one of her children was to be badly injured.  then Albus continued.

"The next death is at the beginning of dad's seventh year.  You all go to Privet Drive to bring Harry to the Burrow before his seventeenth birthday.  It is what's known as the Battle of the Seven Potters because to throw off the Death Eaters you use Polyjuice Potion to make it so a bunch of you turn into dad.  You use brooms and Thestrals and the flying motorbike to get away, but the Death Eaters were told you were leaving, and so they ambushed you.  Uncle George, your ear gets cursed off, so you only have one ear now.  But the death is of Mad-Eye Moody, and they never found your body."

Mrs. Weasley looked faint at the news about George's ear, but nobody reacted much to Moody's death.  They all knew he would eventually die in battle, and knew it was how he wanted to go.  Tonks looked a little down, but otherwise, nobody reacted much.

Albus continued to speak, a little bit slower now.

"The next death that would affect you is the death of Ted Tonks, he was killed by Death Eaters while on the run, in 1997, or 98 I forget which."

Tonks let out a small scream and crumpled down into a chair behind her, tears falling down her face.  Teddy and Remus shared an unsure look, then both went over to her awkwardly and gave her a tight hug.  Neither liked physical contact very much, but it felt nice to hug Tonks, so Remus brought her over to the couch he shared with Sirius and Harry and sat her on the other side of him.

Albus hesitated a little, and Teddy took over again.

"On May 2, 1998, the Death Eaters and Voldemort go to Hogwarts, trying to take it over completely.  There were many deaths in the Battle of Hogwarts, but the most notable were Colin Creevey, Severus Snape, F-Fr-Fred Weasley, N-Nym-Nymphadora, and R-Remus L-Lupin, and finally Voldemort himself."

Everybody was completely silent until Mrs. Weasley gave a slight scream and hurried over to Fred, giving him a huge suffocating hug.  George sat shell-shocked next to him, and soon all of the Weasleys were in a huge group hug around the twins.  Remus and Tonks turned to Teddy and asked him a quiet question.

"How old were you?"

"About a week old, but it's fine.  You left Harry as my godfather, and he and Gran 'Dromeda and Ginny took care of me really well, and Harry helped me a lot because he knew what it was like."

Tonks and Remus both got up and pulled Teddy into his first-ever family hug, and after letting go both converged on Harry, Tonks hugging him and thanking him in his ear, and Remus also pulling him into a large hug after, whispering in his ear a small but heavy "Thank you."

Eventually, everybody calmed down a little, and everybody sat down at the table to eat dinner.

//Line Break//

a/n SHORT CHAPTER god I am losing motivation but I promise I am going to try really really really hard to actually finish this one!

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