The Best Introductions

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After the second generation of Weasley twins melted back into the crowd, two more kids stepped up to plate.  The girl had bushy auburn hair, buck teeth, and a slightly nervous look as she looked around the room.  The younger boy was quite tall, had bright red hair, lots of freckles, and was looking curiously and happily around the room.

Harry immediately started to laugh.  He knew exactly who these kids' parents were, and when Sirius sent him a questioning glance, he simply grinned and gestured for the girl to start.

"Hello, everybody!  My name is Rose Nymphadora Weasley.  I am 14 years old.  I am in Gryffindor and I play Keeper on the Quidditch team, like my dad.  I love reading and am one of the more sensible Weasley's"

She sent an angry glance at Freddie and James when she said that, but the two just grinned shamelessly at her, and she rolled her eyes.  The younger boy stepped forward.

"Hi!  I am Hugo Arthur Weasley!  I am 11 years old, and everyone says that when I go to Hogwarts in September, I'll be in Ravenclaw, cause I'm good at chess and I'm really smart when I want to be.  Rose is my older sister and our parents are Ron Weasley and Hermione Weasley nee Granger."

The room erupted at that.  Harry was once again cackling madly, Ginny was giggling, and everybody else was sighing and exchanging money.  Hermione and Ron were blushing, both looking like they had been hit over the head with a frying pan.  Hermione gave a small squeak when Hugo looked over at her and cheerfully yelled "Hey mum!"

Then James stepped forward and cleared his throat loudly, a smirk on his face.  His smirk grew to a grin when everybody quieted and turned to look at him.  The grin was slightly evil, and an all too familiar expression to Remus and Sirius.

"Hello everybody!  I now present to you the best part of the family!"

James was cut off when Lily kicked him in the shin quite hard, telling him to get on with it.  James pouted but continued anyway.

"You have standing before you the best prankster Hogwarts has ever seen!  Breaking detention records from both the original Marauders and the famous Weasley Twins, he is the founder of the group the Golden Marauders!  Introducing, me, James Sirius Potter!"

Harry squeaked in surprise.  Sirius grinned over at him, mouthing a thank you.  Harry shrugged.  Sirius and Remus turned back to watch the boy, James Potter.  They both thought that he was so much like the original James.  The other three Golden Marauders were grinning behind him as he continued.

"I am 15, and am about to start my 5th year at Hogwarts! I am in Gryffindor, as any proper Potter should be..."

The Harry look-alike stuck out his tongue at his brother.

"I play Chaser on the Quidditch team and my best friend and fellow prankster is Freddie here!"

James bowed low, until Lily pushed him forward slightly, causing him to lose his balance.  He scowled but then looked overjoyed as Albus moved to the front.

"Hi everybody.  My name is Albus Potter."

"You forgot your middle name, Al!"

"Fine.  My name is Albus Severus Potter."

The people from the past erupted.  Snape looked shocked, Sirius and Ron were both shouting at Harry, and Harry looked like he was getting hit in the head by a troll.  Suddenly they heard a loud shout.


It was Lily.  Teddy had his mouth open as he had been about to shout the same thing but he closed it as Lily spoke.

"You are not going to judge him by his name!  Dad named him that for a reason, he said that Severus Snape was one of the bravest men he ever knew, so you will not take this out on Albus!  You will say nothing about his name or his house when he tells it to you either, so shut up!"

Teddy rested his hand on Lily's shoulder, giving her a small smile, then giving the same to Albus.  Everybody sat back down, looking sheepish.

"Thank you."  said Lily loftily, "You may continue now Al."

"Anyway,  I am 13 right now, and I am in Slytherin."

Ron opened his mouth, about to say something, but was silenced by a look from Lily.

"All that house stereotyping is gone now, you know," continued Albus, "So it's fine to be in Slytherin.  I'm Seeker on the house team, and my best friends are Rose here and Scorpius Malfoy."

Harry looked shocked at the news that his son was friends with Malfoy's son.  Ron was even more shocked as Albus continued talking.

"And yes, you do allow it.  In fact, you are on quite good terms with Mr. Malfoy now, especially since his dad got thrown in Azkaban again and the war ended."

Lily then pushed up to stand next to Albus.

"My turn!  Hi everybody, my name is Lily Luna Potter.  I am 11 years old, and Hugo is my best friend.  Everybody says that even though I got my mum's and my Grandma Potter's tempers, I'll be in Hufflepuff when I go to school.  We are the three potter siblings and our parents are Harry Potter and Ginny Potter nee Weasley."

All the Weasleys reacted in one of two ways.  Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, and Ginny were all thrilled that Ginny would marry Harry.  Fred, George, Ron, and Bill were all looking at Harry like they wanted to murder him, Chosen One or not.  Harry simply looked flabbergasted, especially when Lily grinned at him and gave a thumbs up.

Then there was a quiet voice from the back of the crowd of time-travelers.  "Hey everybody, what about me?"

Teddy turned and pulled a boy with white-blond hair and a pointed chin to the front of the crowd.  He clapped him on the shoulder quickly and reassuringly until Albus slung his arms around the boy's shoulders, and Rose grabbed his hand and stood at his side.

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