Initial Introductions

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The time-travelers all gathered together in the kitchen, still a little bit confused.  The people from the past all sat down at their seats at the table, while Mrs. Weasley went to get the past kids.  Teddy was watching his parents, cataloging every gesture, word, and the slightest bits of body language in his head to remember when or if they got back.  Eventually, Mrs. Weasley was able to get Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Ginny down into the kitchen, after explaining what had happened.  They all looked confused at the time travelers, but all sat down anyway.  Minerva McGonagall soon swept into the room, as she hadn't been present before.

"OK, so who's first?"  Dumbledore asked calmly.  All of the time-travelers pushed Teddy to the front, as he had been trying to hide behind the Potter siblings.

Teddy looked at them, affronted and a little pissed.  He figured the amount of anger he was feeling had something to do with the full moon, so he simply sighed and stepped forward.  The past people looked at him expectantly.

"My name is Edward- um, Professor Dumbledore sir, are you sure it's ok for us to tell you guys.  it might mess up the timeline."

Teddy was hoping for something to happen to make it so he didn't have to introduce himself, but his tactic didn't work very well.

"It's perfectly alright, dear boy.  You'll be able to obliviate us before you go home, so it shouldn't worry you."

Teddy sighed, resigned to his fate. "My name is Edward Remus Lupin, but I prefer Teddy."  he was cut off by a slight squeak from his father's direction.  He smiled slightly, it was just how Harry had said his father would react.

"I am 21 years old, and when I was at Hogwarts I was in Hufflepuff.  I am now the defense teacher there.  Also, I don't play Quidditch because I can be a bit clumsy."

As if to illustrate his point he promptly shifted slightly and tripped over his own two feet.  Victoire caught him by the back of his shirt with a sort of resigned air.

"Oh ya, and I'm engaged to Victoire."

Remus opened his mouth to ask a question, but Teddy cut him off to add on.  "Oh, ya, and also my parents are Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks."

There was a high squeal from Tonks, and Sirius was grinning widely.  Remus simply looked stunned for a moment, before asking his question. "Are you a werewolf?"

Remus was looking a little bit scared of the answer, but Teddy simply smiled widely and answered. "No, but I tend to get really bad headaches around the full moon, and am a bit short-tempered."

James looked at him, eyebrow raised. "A bit?! You nearly bit my head off last time because I had one tiny piece of your chocolate! You're basically a teenage girl!"

Teddy turned to him slowly. "I may be your godbrother James, but I am still your teacher!  So keep in mind that the next time you play a prank, I won't just walk away, unlike McGonagall."

James rolled his eyes but looked a little scared nevertheless.  McGonagall simply looked stunned, thinking that she let him get away with stuff.

The tall blonde stepped forward next.  "Hi, my name is Victoire Appoline Weasley.  I am 19 years old and am currently a Healer at St. Mungos.  When I was in Hogwarts I was in Gryffindor and also played Chaser on the Quidditch team.  I am engaged to Teddy."

Teddy wrapped his arm around her shoulder with a grin as another girl with long red hair stepped forward.

"Hi, my name is Dominique Cedrella Weasley, but I am called Dom.  Call me anything else and you will get punched.  I am currently 17, in my last year at Hogwarts.  I am Victoire's sister, and I am in Gryffindor and Chaser on the Quidditch team."

During both introductions, Mrs. Weasley was nearly vibrating with excitement.  She had grandkids!

Another teen stepped forward.  He was remarkably handsome, with blonde hair.  He introduced himself with a slight smirk.

"Hi, my name is Louis Septimus Weasley.  I am currently 15 years old, and I am in Ravenclaw. ("Weasley's with blonde hair! Weasley's in RAVENCLAW!" intoned Ron)  I am one of the best pranksters in the school and a member of the Golden Marauders.  I am in charge of the research and logistics of our pranks.  Victoire and Dom are my older sisters.  Also, I am Seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team."

Remus and Sirius were both smiling at the name Golden Marauders, glad there was somebody to continue on their legacy.  Everybody was wondering who their parents were until Dom stepped back up. "Our parents are Bill Weasley and Fleur Weasley nee Delacour."

Bill, sitting near the back of the room blushed as everybody turned to look at him.  Fred and George grinned evilly.

"I thought you were just helping her eemprov 'er eeinglish!"  they said at the same time.  Bil blushed even deeper, while Ginny and Mrs. Weasley had slight looks of disgust on their faces.

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