Home Alone, Oh No!

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Edward Remus Lupin, or Teddy, as he liked to be called, sat on his godfather's couch with his fiance, Victoire Weasley.  His godfather, Harry Potter, and his wife, Ginny, had gone to a large ministry gala with their friends, leaving the extended Potter-Weasley family to be watched by the two.

Two of the three potter siblings were in the room.  Lily Luna, the youngest, sat on the floor next to Hugo Weasley, talking about a book she had read and about the prank she had pulled on her brother James.  Lily's older brother, Albus Severus, was at the table with Hugo's sister, Rose, and Scorpius Malfoy, who was visiting for the evening. However, the one Potter that was not in the room was the one that could and would cause the most trouble.  

The first to notice the absence was Lily.  Pausing in the middle of a sentence, she looked around and noticed the four kids that were missing, including her brother. 

"Teddy!" She yelled, "Where are James, Fred, Roxy, and Louis?"

Teddy looked up, suddenly worried, as was everybody else in the room.

Suddenly the four came running back into the room with slightly guilty looks on their faces.

James grinned. "Why, here we are my deer sister!"

Everybody groaned, except for Rose.  She had noticed a thin gold chain in James' pocket.  With a dawning feeling of horror, she asked "James, what's that in your pocket?"

James looked a little peeved at the question.  "Now, if I knew, Thorn, I wouldn't have it in my pocket now, would I?  It's just a little necklace!"

James pulled a necklace out of his pocket, and Teddy drew in a breath of surprise. "James, put that down, it's a time-turner!"

Rose gasped quietly, but then James grinned like a maniac.  "Don't think I will, deer Teddy!"  

With that James suddenly tossed the time-turner to Louis, who had inconspicuously moved away as they had been talking.  Louis caught it and threw it over to Fred, but as it was in the air Teddy jumped up and caught the time turner from the air.  He landed alright but unfortunately had inherited his mother's clumsiness, and tripped over a chair afterward.

The time-turner crashed to the floor, spilling sand everywhere.  All of the kids froze, while the sand rose in a tornado around them.  Suddenly, they all disappeared.

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