I snapped my eyes open to see him dashing off, his giggling echoing on the bathroom tiles as I got up and chased him down.


I took the free time to settle some work while waiting for Jinyoung, hiding back in the van after getting looks for lingering outside the dressing room.

Woo Jin approached the van after a few hours, knocking before he entered.

"They bought lunch for us too" he gestured, his voice low as I was still on a call. I nodded and led the way back to the dressing room, talking as quickly as I could and ending the call before entering the room again.

I stood there shell shocked for a moment at his shirt, his translucent striped shirt underneath his blazer that hung shut by a flimsy chain. Jinyoung looked at me curiously, tilting his head slightly when our eyes met, puzzled by my gaze. Does he not see how sexy he is?

"Lunch?" he asked, giving me a smile.I nodded and took the box from him, following him to the sofa where he sat next to me.

Jinyoung looked incredibly happy while eating, chatting to me excitedly about his funny experiences on stage, my laughter only making him more excited as his gestures became wider while he continued chatting.

His blazer shifted with each move he made, letting me get a glimpse of his full chest each time, the whole conversation turning me on that I had to bite the back of my hand to control myself.

I packed the trays when we were done, throwing it into the bin while Jinyoung went to brush his teeth, settling back down on the sofa after.

Jinyoung came back into the room shortly and I noticed the others looking at Jinyoung's chest too, my eyes darkening at the thought of everyone looking at my boy like he was a piece of meat.

Jinyoung smiled and plopped himself down next to me, his blazer shifting and opening that his nipple could be seen.

I felt my heart leap out of my mouth, the overprotectiveness making me see red. I looked around the room for something, anything when I spotted my pinky ring on my finger.

"Put this on"

My hoarse voice came out in barely a whisper, my eyes staring into Jinyoung's, noticing his pink cheeks as he adjusted his attire.

"I didn't know it would be so loose... the coordinator..." he mumbled, staring at his hands in his lap.

I grabbed his hand in mine and slipped the ring onto his little finger, Jinyoung looking up at me in shock.

"I will put a ring on your next finger the next time"

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, trying to calm myself down while looking around the bustling room, the two of us seemingly in a bubble from the rest.

"You know I'm yours" he whispered softly, reaching over to play with my fingers.

"I know. I just want the work to know too?" I replied, giving him a small smile and squeezing his hand before adding "I love you. Thank you".

"I love you too" he replied softly, squeezing my hand back.


"Here" Jinyoung's manager smiled, handing over a mask.

I thanked him and wore it, following him as he expertly wove through the crowds, moving from the backstage area and moved past the side curtains. He turned to ensure that I was still behind him, the crowd oddly dodging me instead as we walked.

We moved into the VIP area where the band manager usually sat to record and watch their performance, some of the fans turning to look at us while we stood there. I enjoyed how hyped up the crowd was, their chanting before the performance making my smile widen in anticipation.

The Way - JinsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon