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2 weeks later.....

These 2 weeks have been so great. Me and jour have been doing so good. It feels like a fairy tale and I sometimes spends nights worrying about it stopping. It feels too good to be true and I know that good things don't last from past experiences. We are soulmates and I can never get over the fact that he loves me as much as he does. He isn't like like other guys that tell me that they love me but doesn't show it in there actions. All I can do is spend as much time that I can with him and try to stop overthinking.

And guess what....


I've been in school for forever now and now it's finally over. This bitch ass school only gave me headaches and stress and now it's finally overrr

But how is we graduating just to go back to school?? Tf

Anyways Prom is soon and I can't wait to look like the prettiest bitch in the room. Bae ain't ask me to prom yet but I ain't tripping, I'm sure that he will.


I'm going to school today so I took a shower and now I'm picking my outfit.

Forever us ❤️❤️💏 is calling ...

"HEYYY BAE" I said picking up the phone

"Hey baby" he said smiling

"Wassup wit you?" He said

"Nun, gettin ready for hell" I said rolling my eyes

"Lemme see yo fine ass" he said

I showed myself on camera with my bra and panties on.

"Sexy ass" he said biting his lips

"Not sexier than you" I said smirking

"Wassup wit you tho?" I said while getting ready

"I already got ready and now I'm playin the game" he said

"You and that damn game" I said playfully rolling my eyes

"I got the perfect way to get you off that game anytime tho" I said biting my lips

"What you gon do" he said confused

"Sum that you'll like" I said smirking

"Ion like when you tease me like that bae" he said mugging me

"You'll have to get used to it" I said laughing

I got ready when we was on FaceTime. i put my fit on. Did my hair and makeup.



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