20, She's not boring

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The new chapter for Desiring Mr Mafia is up as well

Kyryaan's POV

Life was a funny thing. An interesting thing.

"Flower." I had called her. I didn't even know her name, yet in that moment, Flower seemed right. She reminded me of the flowers that my mother used to grow behind the house when we grew up. The flowers that my sister Tara and my mother would tend to with such love, care and magic. The flowers that my brothers and I would get in trouble for because we messed with them. Those flowers that until the fight between us and our father; El Diavolul had always screamed home. And I don't know why I pictured that now but this beautifully exquisite woman that I knew nothing about reminded me of those flowers.

She reminded me of home and magic.

I could sense it around her. I could almost taste it. It was so strong, so raw, so...untapped. So much untapped potential. It made me wonder, did she even know she had it? I should have been distracted, hell even intrigued by her magic and yet I was instead drawn in by her. Everything her. Her. I suddenly felt my heart constrict as if I was nostalgic for something I never had. What was this...feeling?

I took a step forward again and she stiffened. I paused. She sent out a pink tongue and wet her slightly dry lips. I followed the movement with rap attention, an urge growing within me.

"Don't...Don't come closer. Who...who are you?" She croaked out, clearing her throat in the middle of her statement as if something had been lodged in it before she finished the statement. I cocked my head to the side, studying her. Her surprise had so quickly been replaced by guarded eyes. Her guards were oh so high, it intrigued me. Well, if we were being logical, she was in a library, alone with a strange man...

Strange.... she asked who I was? Did she not know who I was? Everyone knew who I was. She seemed new here too. Out of place. Almost too perfect for this place and yet a primitive part of me felt like she fit right in. Like she was all this place had ever needed. The thought scared me. Terrified me even. Who was she?

She had magic. Had she been sent by Duncan to stop me from finding out the secrets he was hiding? Had he found out about my plan? No. That was impossible. But why was her magic so great and yet...felt like it was lacking something? Was it a cloaking spell of some sort? Was she going to attack me? Would I have to kill her? That would be a shame, I thought with a strange pang in my chest. I did not like the idea of having to kill her. But before that, I had to find who she was and what she wanted.

She straightened herself, holding her ground with a strength that both surprised and excited me. A fire burnt in her eyes, a strong, wild raging fire. I had the sudden urge to drown myself in that fire.

Get a grip Kyryaan. I chided myself. This was unlike me. I never reacted to anyone or anything like this.

"I asked you Sir. Who are you?" She asked even more firmly this time. I knew I had to play this tactfully. I didn't know who she was and just the fact that she didn't know who I was.... heavens she didn't know who I was. I could be anyone to her. I could literally choose any identity and she would go with it. But till when? A part of me wanted her to choose her own side of me that she wanted. I didn't want her to see me as a Lord so I spoke before I had thought long enough to change my mind.

"Kyle. My name is Kyle." I spoke, my voice and name sounded foreign even to me. When last had that name even been used? When I was a boy? Many people didn't even know that I was called Kyle. But I didn't lie to her. It felt like it would be the most heinous of crimes; lying to her. My names were Kyryaan Kyle von Lukeberg and somehow, for some reason, it felt right that I wanted her to know me as Kyle rather than Kyryaan. It almost felt like something between only the two of us. It felt so.... right.

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