Untitled Part 20

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Fionna became a different person she wore black all the time she didn't care for anyone and everyone became sad and they grew apart, raven looked at Fionna this isn't the woman he knew. He thought Fionna woke up raven what happened? She asked yawning Fionna? Raven asked the one and only Fionna said I hurt everywhere Fionna said that's because you had a fight with Marshall raven said huh? Fionna asked mom you were really mean to dad you called him a monster and to go back to hell where he belonged raven said WHAT? Take me to him Fionna said mom he's not awake yet raven said Fionna pulled out the tubes she had and walked out raven Fionna said hugging him I'm gonna leave you guys for a while Fionna said what do you mean? Raven asked I'm going to be somewhere I can't hurt anyone ever again Fionna said mom raven said eyes wide with terror, Fionna took her bag and swung it over her shoulder she kissed raven on the forehead give this to your dad when he wakes up Fionna said she was about to jump out the window Fionna! Gumball yelled Fionna looked back and saluted before she fell, raven and gumball went to the window to find no one no sign of Fionna, raven went to Marshall's hospital room and closed this eyes, he held the letter in his hands,

Fionna went in the part of Aaa that still had city's Fionna went to a apartment and smiled this will do she said she made the zombies able to speak she started to fix it up so that the place was like it used to be the zombies helped they they were pleased that someone helped them they were people not brainless zombies, Fionna fixed up the homes and such, the zombies claimed their Fionna lived in a flat on the tip top of the apartment she had curtains and a tv a phone a tea pot fridge a stove you know the usual she had a bed and stuff and she in backed her clothes and but them in her closet and dresser, she had a office with a bunch of books,

It was looking up Fionna fionna she was happy she belonged here,

Raven was so depressed raven? Marshall asked sup raven said Marshall looked away he looked sad, Fionna woke up and asked me to give this to you raven handed Marshall the letter Marshall opened it,

"Lee, I am sorry for any trouble I caused you any paint I have inflicted I don't know what I said but raven told me I called you a monster, I'm a truly sorry for that, I understand if you can not forgive me, to be honest I don't remember ever calling you a mean name, I can not take back the pain so I will take away the problem itself, get well soon ~ fionna" Marshall read out loud, where is she? Marshall asked raven locked down after she gave me the letter she kinda....... jumped out her room's window we couldn't find her raven said what? Please don't tell me she killed herself Marshall said raven shrugged we haven't found her but the way she sounded..... Raven said Marshall crumbled the letter and tossed it to the side doesn't matter she hates me Marshall said with a cocky smirk raven looked at him in horror d-don't you care? He asked nope Marshall said raven blinked your not the man Fionna told me about as a kid raven said grow up she left you to Marshall said she never cared for anyone, Marshall said THATS NOT TRUE SHE CARED FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE! Raven yelled I remember she told me a story of when you were so mad at her you swung your bass and if she didn't duck it would have cut off her head raven said I was so scared of you I said that you weren't a nice person Fionna laughed and hugged me and said people deal with pain or strong emotions differently, that you just didn't know how to cope raven said that's all you're doing raven said tears on his eyes he flew out in aware where to just away he didn't even notice it was sunny right away a few hours later he fell down and was about to pass out when he saw fionna's face she had a worried expression on her face, I passed out,

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