Untitled Part 4

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I started to walk I saw so many people I found a hotel I walked in. I saw a skeleton in a silly outfit pushing a cart (a bell hop) I went to the front desk hello I said wel don't take homeless people he said I shrugged ok I said and walked out I walked for a long time until I heard the baby cry my phone rang and I looked Hannah was calling hello fi she said sup I said you look like you haven't slept in days she said I've been walking mostly I said ok anyway I forgot whatever you turn into you have their a ability and you are a shape shifter she adds but still human just part shape shifter she said that's cool I said she nods and thank you for looking out for Marshall your be happy to know he's fine Hannah said I smiled that's all goodbye Fi she said she hung up and grew wings and saw a man a woman who was pregnant on the streets hello I'm fia I said I'm building a house you can stay in it once I leave and we can share when I explore this city I said they looked at me really? They said sure il said reaching in my bag and grabbed stuff to make a sandwich once I made two I gave them it they smiled you are kind they said built a house in the trees but the walls and roof was hidden by the leaves after I was done I smiled at my handiwork we walked and they smiled I unpacked and we can be roommate I said they smiled I picked up the baby oh your a mother as well the woman said well I guess I found him and then he kinda trusted me with his life I said they nod I unpack the clothes do you know how to play the bass? I asked the man nods will you teach me we can get two basses one for me and one for you and we can play for tips I said with a smile he nods can you watch hmmmm raven I said she nods he might be hungry there is food in the cabinet I said we went to the music shop I bought the ones we liked best mine was a dark blue and black the neck was black and the strings were a blood red I liked it a lot the man who's name I learned was Damian and his wife Eva they look eighteen but they are 1278 years old, Damian got a dark green bass the strings were purple and the neck was black I played for the basses and we walked out we started to practice your really a natural Damian said really? I asked after a while we walked home to find Eva holding a crying raven who has seem to grown a bit what happened? I asked he is going through a growth spurt Eva said oh I said I took raven he calmed down making Eva twitch. When will it stop? I asked he will develop his fangs she said I nodded raven looked about two now, I called Hannah how old have I been gone? I asked about a year she said really already? I asked she nods time Flys when your having fun she said I nodded I saw Marshall pouting in the background what's wrong with him? I asked oh he's just being a baby because he misses you Hannah said mom? Who you talking to? Marshall asked do you want to talk to him? She asked no thanks I said ok she said no one Marshall Hannah said Marshall was hugging hambo and he looked so sad I hung up and smiled at raven who was giggling at me I had to cut my hair so now it's just longer then me I can't wear my bunny hat since it would be a dead give away. I tickled raven who's my boy? I asked he giggled and held my finger I put him down and he crawled I took a picture he started to cry so I gave him a frog pushie it was fuzzy, he hugged it and smiled he played with his toys and I cooked dinner then I heard a scream I looked to see Eva on the floor holding her belly she had wet herself it's time she yelled I nodded turned off the stove I can't deliver a baby Damian said I can I said I rolled up my sleeves and rummaged through my bag i put on gloves do I have permission to touch you? I asked YES she yelled I nodded and took off her pants and panties I looked to see a head push I said she did as told and the babies head and shoulders where out ok one more I said she did it again I gently pulled out the baby would you like to cut the umbilical cord? I asked Damian he nods he cuts the cord I wrap the baby up Its a girl I said he smiled Eva screamed again I looked down to see another head just barely visible I will wash the baby up I said I washed up the little girl and raven looked up at me confused I showed him the girl he smiled I put raven in a play pen with some toys and went back to Eva I looked to see the head was closer not yet I said I waited until she was ready ok push I said she did as told but the baby's umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck I took the scissors and put the cord push I said she did as told and the baby was so small and sickly I cleaned it up and rummaged through my bag and I found what I was looking for a jar of guardian blood to heal the baby I rubbed some on the baby who already looked better I wrapped him up and gave him to Damian it's a boy I said washing up, he nods I pick raven up who was so sleepy I grabbed his frog and took him to my room and Lewis him on the bed with blankets covering him and I eat my dinner thank you fia Damian said no problem I said he smiled after dinner we went to bed maybe I will wait until raven can make friends with the twins before I leave it would be nice for him to have friends I thought I went in bed holding raven in my arms I woke up late raven was hugging me hi he said hello I said he giggled and patted his belly your hungry? I asked he nods I picked him up and tossed him in the air and caught him and walked to the kitchen I sat him on the kitchen bar stool I have him some eggs and bug milk he smiled as I fed him his food I ate my food as well Damian walked out with a baby in his arm. Good morning I said baby food is in the same play I have to go shopping for little man here I said I took all of the treasure in me and Clarke's treasure room because she said she wanted me to have enough money for my trip. I took a few coins you wanna go shopping for you little girl? I asked yes! Eva said holding the other baby oh and her name is Jade and the boy is named Alex Eva said those are some mathematical names I said whipping raven's face I picked him up and we went to the shop, after we were done shopping I paid for the stuff and we went home

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