Part 2 on the road again

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I stayed up all night with caz until a demon with messy long blonde hair she had a tank top on and short shorts that were sleeping shorts (a/n try staying that five times fast) she walked right passed me and went to the kitchen she made a bowl of cereal hey fia can said the woman nods she and continues to eat. Is that your roommate? I asked caz nods she's really cool she isn't much,h of a morning person caz said why does she have blonde hair? I asked my mother was a blonde fairy fia said oh you heard us? I asked she nods she bows to me your highness she said I chuckled there is no need to bow. I said she stands up and her eyes are purple but with a tint of red. Your eyes are as lovely as your face I said she laughed and flicked my forehead don't flirt with me she said then she walked away caz started to laugh a girl turned you down! She said hahaha I said later she came out in a waitresses outfit are you flirting with me? I asked no stupid it's my uniform fia said. Opening the door you can chill with sir lee, I will take your shift fia said thanks caz said once fia was gone caz smiled she is the best she's hard working and she likes music caz said I nodded let's get to know her some more I said rushing to her bedroom come on Marshall let her have her privacy! Caz yelled don't you want to know who she is? I asked she fia my friend that's all I care now stop! I opened the door when I saw a picture of gumball in her bag caz walked up and saw the picture so she was in Aaa and you've never seen her? Caz asked never I said that's because I've forgettable no one ever remembers me fia said she took the stack of pictures and and placed her foot on my chest if you want to know something about me spit it out pretty boy don't go snooping around my stuff fia said pressing hard I am then next in line to be king in this place I said making fia chuckle she put her bag away and glared at me but helped me up do you have any baby clothes? Fia asked no caz said just what I thought I will be taking a break now she said ok caz said we went down stairs to see fia pick up a small child they were dirty and sad looking she carried the child what is she doing? I asked it looks to me she's going to help that child caz said


I picked up the child and started to walk to the castle I knocked on the door hello a guy said come in he said I walked in and then Hannah looked at me then the baby who's this? She asked I don't know it can not talk I said she nods do you have any baby clothes for I checked the dippe. him? I asked she nods I just love babies she said with glee, I washed and dressed the baby well Hannah taught me to are you sure you want to keep him? She asked I looked at the small child I am going to moving from place to place that isn't what a baby needs what if he gets sick? Or I brake him? I will be happy to take care of him Hannah said you can come and visit anytime she adds I was about to give her the baby when he hugged me I tried to pull him off he wouldn't let go Hannah chuckled I guess he doesn't want you to leave him she said oh and by the way he's a demon and when a demon baby trusts its life in someone's hands that someone has to care for the baby Hannah said I nodded she gave me every thing I would need for the baby and a bag that is never ending that has a pouch for the baby that grows with the baby I thanked and hugged Hannah and was on my way when I got there caz was flipping out and I saw Marshall on the floor covered in blood a wooden stake in his heart I walked over to him and gently set my bag down I picked the baby out of it and snapped my fingers and a crib appeared I set the bag under Marshall's head looked at him do I permission to touch you? I asked he nods I unbuttoned his shirt get me a knife pliers and go to the castle and ask his mother for this I said landing her a piece of paper, and if she doesn't give it to you tell her it's for Fionna I said she nods Marshall looked at me weirdly. fi? He asked I ripped off his shirt and started to work ummm this is going to hurt a bit you can hold something I said he nods and puts in hands on my breasts with a smirk. I put my hands on his chest and closed my eyes bit saw the wooden stake just missed his heart I smiled and gently pulled it out as I did he held my bests a bit tighter. After it was done I cleaned his wounds he had forgotten that it was me. I bandaged his wounds and sat him on my bed I picked up my things and put the baby in the bag and left a note and left. Continued on my way,

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